Where She Came From - 1.5

"Yoshiko Rin Ai. That will be your name from now on." Daisuke announced proudly just after he told Ai that they needed to talk leaving her staring at him with wide eyes.

"What?" Ai stared at Daisuke with a face as if she saw him sprout two more heads, looking utterly confused making him laugh again.

Still staring at him, Ai couldn't help but wonder what's happening. Ever since she met this man, she just couldn't follow, let alone understand how he thinks!

All the composure and control she had on her emotions vanished the moment she encountered this confusing man.

"I said, I am going to name you Yoshiko Rin Ai. Do you not like it?" Daisuke suddenly asked, eyeing her with a bit of apprehension on his face.

"No... I mean, I do like it, but..."

"But what?" with a look, Daisuke prompted her to continue as he studied her.

"Why?" she suddenly burst out, asking the question she's been dying to ask since the moment they met.

"Why not?" he answered with a laugh, throwing the question back at her, making her mouth gape in disbelief before Ai was filled with indignation.

Noticing her reaction, Daisuke gave a small laugh and ruffled her hair before turning serious.

"I'm naming you because I want you to become someone someday. If you don't have a proper name then how can you be proud and how can you build a reputation? A person's name is important to them. It can be their way of letting people know who they are, of letting people remember them, of letting people have something to attach to the face that they recall in their minds and hearts. Do you understand?"

Staring intently at the young girl, Daisuke studied the girl's features while she processed what he told her.

Her delicate brows were drawn in a frown while her big watery amber eyes were swirling with thoughts as she unconsciously puffed out her cheeks as she tried to understand the meaning behind his words while she opened and closed her small pink lips as if she's about to say something but then stops herself.

Sighing, he ruffled her long black hair before shaking his head slightly.

"The moment I saw you little one, I saw how your eyes flashed in defiance. How you wanted to fight back and prove you didn't do anything wrong. How you felt frustrated because you felt helpless and weak. I saw how you truly felt and how you deserve a chance based on your will alone."

Hearing his words, Ai slowly looked at him as if seeing him for the first time. No traces of emotion on her face, as if she hid behind a cold mask to protect herself.

"Is that why you brought me here?" Ai asked quietly, still looking at him as if trying to figure him out.


Silence enveloped them as they both studied each other before Ai closed her eyes and clenched her fists before opening her eyes again and staring at him with eyes full of hope and underlying resolve.

"Then will you help me become strong?" Ai asked in a strong almost commanding voice which made him smile in appreciation.

"If that is what you want."