.......He believes me blindly!

Jing hops in front of them, sulking "Mommy!! I am hungry!! The juice I drank here is too less!!"

Tang Xi frowns but still smiling "Jing !! Its not less..But you are really working hard!!". She opens her hands "Come here ..Lets have breakfast!!".

She hugs him with a kiss and places him in a seat beside her. She places his breakfast before him.

He sulks seeing chopsticks "Mommy ..Can I eat in spoon like Ananya Aunt!! This Chopsticks makes me eat less and late!!".

Ananya controls her laughter "Look Jing is exactly my best kid..He likes to eat like me..".

Tang Xi sighs "Jing..I already explained you..you have to practice..so that you wont find difficult in your dad's home..."

Jing frowns "Mommy I don't want to go to Daddy!! And I will only eat in spoon in future!!".

He picks the spoon and starts eating. Ananya and Tang Xi exchanges looks helplessly.

Tang Xi smiles "Ok you can eat now..But in future you should use your chopsticks in front of your dad....And don't say you won't go to your dad in future..Be good".

Jing blinks and pouts his mouth "Mommy..Daddy is bad..But I will be good ..".

Tang Xi helplessly holds his chin "Baby..Just remember this!!Your Daddy is good of all dads in this world. ..Do you believe Mommy?".

Jing nods lightly "I believe Mommy..so Daddy is good".

Tang Xi : " ...." He believes me blindly!!

Ananya:"...." This kid is too adorable!! I think I should get married soon!!

After finishing their breakfast trio went to school. Tang Xi dropped Jing in his classroom and enters into her cabin.

She sees her schedule and starts arranging the notes that required for today's classes.

She gets a call in her office phone.


A man speaks politely "Miss Tang President Dinesh wants to meet you".

Tang Xi nods "Yes. Assistant Kumar".

She checks the time and still she had an hour to her class. She stood and walks out.

Tang Xi knocks and enters the President cabin "Good Morning President Dinesh!".

Dinesh turned and Tang Xi really stole some glances of the man before her. He is really hot!! Seeing him in clothes still one can say his perfect body and as a Indian he is 6 plus feet height with his strong aura, none could escape from his glance. But surprisingly he is a calm, easy going and even friendly person. On top of it he is an intelligent one!!.

So literally Tang Xi couldn't help but admire him.