Mommy I will not grow after 5

She nods and gets out of his cabin angrily "In a month!!??".

'How can he torture the girl..She is just 4!! Complete basics in a month!!?? He is really bullying me!!'.

She gets in her cabin and stomps her foot.

Ananya knocks and enters "Xi!! Just check your schedule.." and stops seeing her angry face "What happened?".

Tang Xi sulks "President's gone mad!!. He wants me to teach a 4 year old child..Chinese a month!!".

Ananya knew already about this, but she didn't expected him to give just a month time and cries "What?! I am going to kill him!! How could my cousin brother act crazy??".

Tang Xi pulls Ananya's hands "Stop!! I agreed already..Its no use to ask him now".

Ananya gets angry "You..Are you insane? I was getting mad when I started my Chinese classes few years back..You know My brain would have burnt by short circuits in my nerves!! He will make the kid crazy!!".

Tang Xi sighs "He told me to try my best".

Ananya sighs helplessly "Then your wish..".

She hands over some documents "Its your next week schedule. I really wanted to give you more leisure hours to prepare..but I couldn't".

Tang Xi pats her shoulder "I understand..Don't worry I will handle them".

Ananya nods and goes out....



Tang Xi sorts her things and gets out of her cabin to pick Jing. She sees him in his classroom and carries him.

Jing pokes her face "Mommy. I am big now. Am I heavy?".

Tang Xi is surprised "Baby!! You are really considerate!! I am really proud of my baby!!". She pinches his cheek "But you are still 4 can walk on your own after 5 years... Mommy will carry you always whenever I would be your side. In future your daddy will carry you always alright?".

Jing frowns "Mommy will you leave me alone? You will leave me after I turned 5?".

Tang Xi stops walking stunned realising the reality. Her heart was beating fast 'Sooner or later I should handover him to his Dad..So I have to explain him soon'.

Jing continues patting her cheek "Mommy I will not grow after 5...I want to be with you!! Always!!".

Tang Xi sees his pitiful face somewhat emotional "Mommy Will not leave you alone ever!! Even if the whole world is against, Mommy will fight but will not let you alone!!".