He really is scared to say he is scared!!

Lu Cheng barges entering a room "What the hell you are doing!! I still couldn't get rid of that damn nightmare!".

The doctor seemed to be used to it already so he smiles helplessly, saying " I am doing my everything Cheng".

Lu Cheng holds his shirt collar and drags him against the wall. He warns "I can't stand this anymore".

The doctor still smiles asking "Why?".

Lu Cheng releases his grip and stands silent.

The doctor is his childhood friend. His name is Feng Nie. He is doing his researches in psychology and sad thing is still he couldn't hypnotize Lu Cheng.

For 2 years after Lu Cheng recovered from his physical injuries, he has been asking to hypnotize him but still Lu Cheng didn't allow him.

Feng Nie gets tired of asking him, so declares "I can't help you until you allow me to do!!".

Lu Cheng will never allow others to control him at any cost. He looks at Feng and warns coldly " You have to find an another way within a month".

Feng Nie only sighs seeing Lu Cheng's back who is already leaving the room and mutters "He is too stubborn to admit. He really is scared to say that he is scared!!".

He calls Lu Cheng's assistant. "Tianxian! Send me a clear report about that night Cheng met with the accident".

Tianxian hesitates "That..Chief Lu said..".

Feng laughs "If you want your Chief don't die due to this trauma,then you can follow his orders till his grave".

Tianxian gets shocked and gasps "Dr.Feng!! Wha..."are you saying?.

However Feng cuts him off "Its already 3 years! Do you still think your Chief is still strong? Did you notice his hand? He is losing control on himself recently".

Tianxian gets silent and whispers "Done".

Feng mumbles worriedly "Cheng ! This time you have to admit !! You too can be scared!" And laughs "It will be fun to watch great Young Master panicking!".

He gets excited and gets himself busy with his theories.



Ananya sulks "He again cancelled the date!! Told he has a practice session..for his next match".

Tang Xi tries to cheer her "Its ok..See he is great player..he needs to get high score in his next match!! Be good Ananya..Don't cause trouble for him".