Whatever he does it hits my heart directly!!

Next day while returning home Ananya too joins Tang Xi and Jing for dinner.

Both sees Jing noting something in his diary occasionally and looks at each other. One was puzzled and other was too proud.

Ananya asks eagerly "What have you done to my Jing!!? Why he is always writing something?".

She always pampers Jing and never stressed him. Even if he didn't complete his homeworks, she would always help him escaping from Tang Xi! Now its very shocking for Ananya to see him writing something. This made her to think that Tang Xi would have given some tasks for him.

Tang Xi shrugs innocently "I just gave him a diary!".

Ananya sees Tang Xi coaxed to sleep and searches for the diary. She walks all over the room tip-toed.

Tang Xi sees her acting childish and whispers "Sherlock! Are you searching for this ?".

Ananya opens her eyes wide "You!?" and points her embarrassed "I am searching for it all over the room..you were watching me?".

Both goes out and sees him wrote just numbers.

Both frowns and sees the title part"Date" and "Kisses".

Ananya asks suspiciously "Is he counting the kisses getting from you?".

And to their great surprise he even counted the total hugs and kisses.

Tang Xi gets stunned to see that.

Ananya sulks displeased "Why didn't he noted mine?!".

Tang Xi turns the next page and sees he noted the extra ice-creams that Ananya bought for him this evening!!

Ananya "..." This kid dare to betray me?! He promised to hide from Tang Xi but he actually noted in diary!?.

She doesn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Ananya pretends strangling Tang Xi's neck "You..really make me die in envy!!".

Tang Xi really felt strange and smiles astonished. How could this kid always choke me with happiness? Whatever he does it hits my heart directly!!.