The Young Master- Lu Cheng

Next day Tang Xi was busy while taking her classes. She just gave a surprise test that day and lost in thoughts.

Yesterday Ananya said everything that she guessed and saw. Tang Xi initially didn't found anything wrong but today she herself saw this morning that Dinesh was too disturbed.

After her classes ended, she sat in her cabin entering the data in her system.

She picks up the evaluation results to get acknowledgment from President and walks towards Dinesh's cabin.

Tang Xi knocks the door and waits for sometime but none answered.

She thinks to submit the documents for now and come to get it back later.

She looks Dinesh was not in his cabin so she places the documents and turns to leave.

Tang Xi twists the door knob and stops moving suddenly. She recalls something and goes back to the table and sees an invitation.

If it was in English and Tamil languages she would have ignored that because they are the official languages followed by the state Tamil Nadu. But she saw that in Chinese and not only that but also she got a glimpse of two words


The term 'Lu ' got her interest and takes the invitation.

She is so lost to see the invitation so she actually forgot the main documents under the invitation.

She opens and stunned to see "The Young Master- Lu Cheng".

Tang Xi stood right there rooted to the ground and her mind went blank.

She couldn't believe its real or her imagination and it felt so unreal... After waiting for whole 3 years she is seeing the name.

She has been waited to see, hear about this name badly.

But when she finally saw it, she felt it would be her hallucination. May be her mind decided subconsciously not to see the name again....If she saw she have to separate from Jing.!!!

She gets out from her imaginations and again peers the invitation with full of hope.


Ananya entera the room with her hands full of documents and sees Tang Xi's back view. She asks "Xi? Have you submitted the evaluation results? I have to mail them...".

She keeps the documents and sees Tang Xi's face lost her life.

She frowns "What happened?".