I am back ..I will explained once I meet you

Tang Xi holds Jing in her embrace as he was sleeping.

Its already evening while the plane landed in City A.

She had to change 2 flights to reach City A as there is no direct flight from Chennai.

So she reached Beijing and took another from there to reach here.

Jing as usual, played a lot. He played every games in her mobile and slept tiredly.

She walked to hail a cab and calls Lawyer Zhang.

His phone was busy so she made Jing to sleep in waiting room and went to collect her luggage.

Of course she didn't forget to ask the receptionist to look after Jing until her return.

Tang Xi walked fast and her phone rang "Lawyer Zhang?".

He seemed to be surprised, as his tone is obviously showing it "Miss Tang!! How?? Where did you go? and..".

Tang Xi holding her hand bag and drags her two mini suitcases while walking towards the waiting room "Lawyer Zhang.. I am back ..I will explain once I meet you. Please meet me in Tang Villa".

She didn't let him speak because she is already tired and could not speak while dragging her luggage.

Tang Xi suddenly stops and drops her mobile which was supported by her shoulder previously.

She caught a glimpse of someone entering a car outside the airport and stood rooted to the ground.

Its him!

She didn't expect even in her dreams that he would appear in front of her.

To her great disappointment he left as soon as he boarded the car.

Tang Xi picked her phone from the floor and picked Jing.

She lost in thoughts and decides to meet him tomorrow.

Because she should tell him about Jing ASAP and she wondered how will he react seeing her and his son after 3 years? And she wished to see his smiling face.

She was lost in a crazy thought imagining how will his poker face look like, when he smiles.

She shook her head and smacks her forehead to get rid of those stupid imaginations.

She stepped out of the cab and at instant gets stunned.

Tang Xi frowns to see Mu Hao already hugging her. How did he know that I am back? Crap! Is it Lawyer Zhang who informed him?.