Chapter 49: MEET ME!! NOW!!

Next day.

Feng Nie looks at the documents and says "Something doesn't add up!!".

He looks keenly reads every documents and spreads all over his room.

After an hour he astonished "Qin Xuan! You are dead! You dare to lie?".


In Lu constructions Head office.

Lu Cheng holding a file asks coldly "What did you say?".

Tianxian stoned in fear "Chief Lu...She said she couldn't allow the child to take the test" looked at his gaze turned even angry added "And ..".


Lu Cheng slams the document on the table roars "She really has the nerve to reject !?".

Tianxian gulps "Its...Elder Lu too agreed..So..".

Lu Cheng face gets more anger and says "Check why my grandpa supports her this much! Report me soon".

He stood and walked out to attend a meeting.


After hearing the closing sound of the office door Tianxian gets happy and relaxed leaving a deep breath.

He receives a call "Dr.Feng?".

Feng asks "Why is there no details about Cheng's mobile?".

Tianxian recalls "Dr.Feng, Chief's mobile was with Qin Xuan. She said that it fell in lake by accident while escaping. So we ignored that".

Feng roars "Are you an Idiot!!??".

Tianxian gets irritated.Is it necessary to yell for everything? What sin have I committed in my last birth? I keep on receiving this yelling from everyone!!!


Feng gets angry "MEET ME!! NOW!!".

Tianxian frowns "Something must have happened!".

He takes advantage of Lu Cheng's meeting which will last at least 4 hours and ran out to meet Dr.Feng.


Tianxian enters the room and sees the documents arranged all over his table.

He saw Feng looking at him coldly "Did you analysed this reports?".

Tianxian felt his tone somewhat dangerous Still answers "I..was injured that people under me investigated..".

Feng throws a document on his face "Explain this!".

Tianxian holds and sees the document normally, answers "This...this is Chief Lu's reports".

Feng smirks "Tell me ..When did he lost consciousness?".

Tianxian looks at the report "Its 2AM ..After I sent him backup..".

Feng interrupts"Then tell me about this?".

Tianxian gets the document "Its Ms.Qin's statements".

Feng asks "She called you to inform you about him from Cheng's mobile..while talking to you it fell in lake..Am I right?".

Tianxian nods.

Feng folds his hands asks coldly "Then how can she book the flight tickets from his mobile ..after 2 hours from then.Don't tell me Cheng booked them??".

Tianxian stood dumbfounded "What!?".