We have something to plan

Feng laughs "Of course!! She is a smart girl! Even Lu Cheng would have thought to drive away..Yes!! He indeed tried to drive away to another city. That's why he was caught!".

Tianxian surprised "Yeah! I said Chief that the gang was far powerful than we thought! But he insisted to drive to next city! But before I could inform him that they are even stronger than that..." he gets sad "Its all my fault!! I should have warned him..I should have analysed that before!".

Feng sighs and rubs his forehead "Don't worry! Its not your fault! It happened too suddenly then...None had time to act!! ".

Feng feels guilty as Tianxian too was almost dead that day.

He says "Bring me first aid kit!".

Tianxian fumes "No need!".

Feng laughs "Don't act like a girl! Bring ..we have something to plan".


Lu old house.

Lu Cheng asks coldly "Grandpa! What's all this about!?".

He is holding a file clutching hard.

His grandfather Lu Meng smirks "The will of course!".

Lu Cheng gets angry "You really are acting against your own and only grandson?".

Lu Meng gets irritated "You are the one going against me! You think I believed your nonsense to stop the engagement announcement!!?".

Lu Cheng's face become solemn "Its her !! Grandpa how could you believe her? I am your grandson! I am your blood !! How can you believe her! Not me!?".

Lu Meng declares coldly "No matter what! I won't change my decision!! If you want the Lu Constructions,then you have to act accordingly to the will!".

Lu Cheng gets out slamming the door.


Tang Xi comes out of the conference hall after finishing the board meeting.

She asks Mu Hao who walked along with her but in bad mood "What happened Hao? Did I do something wrong?".

Mu Hao changes his face instantly "No! Not at all! You actually persuaded them well".

Tang Xi gets happy "Then I will take a leave".

Mu Hao stops her and holds her hand "Why are you leaving already? Can we have lunch? Together?".She gets embarrassed seeing the office staffs looking at them weird.

She gets her hand from him immediately "No..actually Jing is waiting for me to join..next time".

She goes to home and literally Jing was waiting for her.He even took his toys to play in living room downstairs to look the door constantly.