
He hands him the list. Lu Cheng peers at it as if he wanted to burn it.

He rubs his temples and looks at Tianxian "Shortlist the names of single women ..with high status".

Tianxian and Feng gets shocked. Tianxian nods and goes out.

Feng Nie surprised"Are you kidding me !!? Are you planning to marry a random women for the sake of inheritance!?".

Lu Cheng tiredly loosens his tie "Then what should I do! Even my grandpa is plotting against me now".

Feng Nie feels his pain in his voice and says "We will talk to grandpa..may be we can persuade-".

Lu Cheng kicks the coffee table frustrated "He is literally mentioned in that will!! I should chose the one from the guests of the ceremony..Is that clear!? He wants me to admit my defeat!!".

He chuckles coldly"That old man !! He is dreaming!! I never admit my defeat!!".

Feng Nie stunned by his anger but felt some strange thought and his heart instantly cried in happiness 'I actually got an idea!! Sure There is god helping me secretly!!'.

Tianxian enters the room after knocking gives him a single paper.

Lu Cheng didn't even look at it says "Just investigate about their personal details! Report me asap".

Feng Nie looks at the list and his eyes brightens 'Damn! I got the chance! But will Tang Xi agree to this contract marriage?' She needs to agree if she wants the custody!!'.


"Why is there no name called Tang Xi in this list?" Feng Nie holding the paper staring at Tianxian.

Tianxian gets nervous and cross checks. He sighs "Because she was not invited personally. The person invited was Mu Hao. She was just attending in behalf of him".

Feng gets irked "Add her name to the list".

Tianxian is shocked "What!? Its..".

Feng Nie smirks "Do you wanna die? ".

Tianxian reluctantly adds her name and preparing to submit the reports to Lu Cheng.

Feng Nie goes out and calls Tang Xi.

He explains Lu Cheng's conditions in his company.

She cries shocked "Marriage!?".