Jing...I have a surprise for you..

During her afternoon nap she gets a call "Yes?".

Feng Nie in serious tone "Meet Us at Lu's head office at 2. And bring the custody papers".

She is stunned " Already? Did he accept?".

For some reason she recalled Dinesh's words 'It would be easy to get his sign now..'.

Why do I fell he has something to do with Lu Cheng?!

She shook her head "It can't be!" and almost runs to get ready because its already late.

After getting ready she hugs Jing "Jing...I have a surprise for you..".

Jing eyes lit up "Mommy? Really!!?".

She taps his nose "Yes .but you have to wait..." and kisses his cheeks.

Jing gets excited and nods "Ok Mommy!!".

She turns to Aunt Song "Aunt Song..please bring him when I call you...I will send a car to pick you guys".

Aunt Song nods "Yes Young miss! I understand!".


Ananya screams "OMG!!".

Tang Xi sighs "Ananya...its just a contract -".

Ananya giggles "Its ok.I am fine with that.I hope you guys-".

Tang Xi cut her off "Stop sprouting nonsense Ananya...He is just helpless..".

Ananya sighs "I wonder why is it always YOU are helping him in his helpless conditions..".

Tang Xi could sense her mockery tone smiles "Whatever".

Ananya laughs.

Tang Xi asks "Did you do what I have asked?".

Ananya solemnly says "Do you have a doubt?".

Tang Xi laughs "How could I have!!?".


Lu Head Office.

Feng ,Tianxian and Lu Cheng in office sitting in sofa.

They hear a knock and saw a girl entered the room greeting. "Hello Mr....".

Her eyes froze looking at a man staring at her.Its him! Its actually him!!

Tang Xi stood in daze. I am seeing him finally.Even though I didn't see his face clearly on that day I didn't expect him this handsome!

She gets out of her daze and looks around. She greets "Hello Mr.Lu Mr.Feng.." and she looks at Tianxian and wonders.

Feng Nie coughs "He is Tianxian.Cheng's PA".

Tang Xi gets surprised "Hello Tianxian!".