I am..... kidnapped!?

Tang Xi opens her eyes and feels pain in her head. She frowns " Where am I?".

She recalls she was waiting for the Mu Hao in the hotel and she was hit on her head and she fainted.

She gasps cold air whispers "I am.... kidnapped!?".

She struggled to sit and saw her hands and legs. Tied!! She sees around her and its already morning. I have been here for whole night?!.

Tang Xi gets anxious as Jing would be going to Lu Cheng's old house today!!

She raised to her kneels and moves. She sees the whole place is wet and her body is so cold by lying there for whole night.

She ignored everything because now her only worry is Jing.

Tang Xi stood and hops around the room with great difficulty but couldn't find any idea! I am dead!! Who kidnapped me?.Am I going to die?

She couldn't think of anyone and sits down holding her head.She sighs and smiles "At least Jing will be safe now.Thank god I did a right thing to show Jing to Lu Cheng. He will take care of him ..right?".

She still was not assured and shivers suddenly hearing a sound the door opened.

Her heart is beating fast and her whole body is shivering "Wh..who...".

Before she could speak she is surprised to see the man entered. She smiles happily "Mu Hao!!?".

He comes to her and kneeling down asks "How are you?".

She is in tears already leans towards him "You...you are here. I thought I would die here..".

She sobs and realises "Mu Hao..How did.. you find me? Come lets go away from here before someone comes!".

She pulls his hand and shakes him. But he is still staring her and his eyes full of mocking?.

He chuckles "Go away? How will you go away?".

Before she could think he caught her neck to strangle her. She was stunned and her breaths are almost going to stop.

He laughs and releases "Tang Xi!! You can't run away this time!!".

She coughs heavily and lying in the cold floor. She gasps "Wha. .". She looks him in disbelief.

He takes some papers from his coat and shows in front of her "Now...Sign this!".