Did I become horrible to see?

Lu Resident.

Lu Cheng enters the door and hears a scream.


Jing came running and hugging his leg "Mommy!!? Mommy left me?".

He starts sobbing "Mommy said ..never ..leave me...".

Lu Cheng felt his heart frozen and lifts him.

Jing starts crying circling his neck.

For the first time he felt helpless and just only because of him!.

"Dad- daddy...mommy..won't come back? ".

Lu Cheng wipes his tears and says in a low voice "She didn't go anywhere..".

Jing blinks with hiccups and frowns pouting "Then...then...Where is Mommy?".

Lu Cheng sighs "I will take you to her".

Jing smiles broadly and hugs Lu Cheng "Okay Daddy!!".

He believed me? I just met him 2 days before...He already believed me?


Tang Xi opens her eyes and sees herself lying in hospital.

I am alive. ..Ah!! What's with this pain!?

She tries to get up but couldn't. She sees Tianxian entering the room.

Tianxian stunned to see her awake and runs out immediately. God! How could I face her!? She was almost dead because of me! I should have begged to Chief before.I was careless to leave her without investigating.

Tang Xi's smile froze when she saw Tianxian ran at instant. She touches her face "Did I got severe injuries in my face? Did I become horrible to see?".

She sees Feng Nie entering the room.

He asks "How are you now? Do you feel pain?".

She nods and tries to sit. Feng Nie helps her to sit.

Both looks at the door as it opened. Lu Cheng entered the room carrying Jing and looks at both of them.She was leaning in his embrace!.


Jing almost wiggles in Lu Cheng's embrace and bents towards her.

She gets emotional "Jing..." and sees Lu Cheng still not released him from his hold.

Lu Cheng says "You can't carry him..".

Tang Xi smiles and pats space beside her "Jing sit beside me..".

She tries to move and Feng Nie helps her to move.

Jing almost creeping over her neck "Mommy!!" and starts crying.