It was my responsibility

Lu Residence.

Tang Xi is sleeping in a bed. Jing sat next to her and drawing something.

Aunt Song brings them food.

Aunt Song sees Tang Xi eating "Miss are really lucky to have Mr.Lu".

Tang Xi looks at her stunned. 'Have him?'.

Aunt Song sighs "I almost thought he doesn't care about you...but he was the one finally saved you".

Tang Xi realized that she really forgot to thank him. She completely forgot while being with Jing.

She holds Aunt Song's hand "Where is he?".

Aunt Song smiles "In his study!! Do you know? He even changed me here to take care of you hereafter!".

Tang Xi smiles somewhat touched and nods.

After finishing her food Tang Xi walks out of her room and searches around for his study room.

She almost walked all-over the ground floor and sees a room with a dim light in first floor.

She smacks her head "Why didn't I search in first floor?".

Carefully she climbed the stairs as she didn't want to get hurt again and knocks the door.

"Come in".

She enters the room and sees him reading some documents.Seeing her entering he lifts his head.

He asks "Do you need anything?".

She shook her head "I am here to thank you..".

He stares at her for few seconds and says "You no need to thank me...It was my responsibility .." looking down in guilt.

She smiles and says "Still Thank you..".

She turns to leave.

He asks "Do you have any friends?".His voice was slow like he was hesitating but loud enough to reach her.

She turns and looks at him. Seeing him looking at the documents. Am I dreaming? I heard him right? But ..

She looks at him "Did you ask something?".

He nods "I asked you have any friends".

She says "I have..".

He asks "What about Mu Hao? How long do you know him?".

She gets sad "For a year..He was my father's assistant..".

She realizes that she was almost crying and says "Thank you for saving me....I am leaving now...".

She walks out wiping her tears.

Lu Cheng grips the document in his hand crunching the paper.
