Oh stop it!! You are making me laugh!

Soon Tang Xi saw the girl came with some people and security?.She is really interesting!

Mu Hao !! You are really something!! You changed every staff and didn't even bother to tell about real owner.

She looks around and clutches her fist. "You even removed my parents' paintings from office!?".

The girl yells "You..you are still staying here!? Who do you think you are? How dare you entered CEO's room!!".Tang Xi smirks.This girl is really interesting and she is actually cute while she was angry!!.

Tang Xi asks "Who are you then? CEO?".

She gulps but says "I am Su Ran! Personal Assistant of Chief Mu! Now you tell me who are you?".

Tang Xi stood up and looks around the people.She winks at the guard who was about to speak up.Chief Mu?

She walks towards the girl and asks "Are you an assistant of CEO or Mu Hao?".

Su Ran stunned "Aren't both same? ".

Tang Xi chuckles coldly "I think you should call Lawyer Zhang soon".

Su Ran gets mad "Why would I call him? Because YOU said so?".

Tang Xi walks towards the CEO table and throws the name plate of Mu Hao into trash bin.

Everyone gasps stunned.

Tang Xi stared at Su Ran "Are you going to call? Or Planning to make me call! Don't help me firing you!".

Seeing Tang Xi's confidence Su Ran moves to call Lawyer Zhang.What if she is Chief's girlfriend? Looking at her beautiful face she must be Chief's girlfriend! how could I yell at her? what if she really gets me fired?!

Tang Xi notices Su Ran peering at her with side glance curiously.

Within 20 minutes Lawyer Zhang enters the room.

His eyes lit up seeing the name plate in trash bin and smiles "Well done Miss Tang!! I am really happy that you are finally here to take over your company back".

Everyone dumbfounded hearing Lawyer Zhang.

Tang Xi smiles "Thank you Uncle Zhang".

Since Tang Xi always attended only the conferences Mu Hao didn't brought her to the company and for his great advantage Tang Xi too was busy with Jing.

Tang Xi looks at Su Ran almost panicking. Damn I should not tease this girl anymore..I really can't control my laughter!!.

Zhang introduced Tang Xi to everyone and takes his leave.

Su Ran looks at Tang Xi timidly and didn't speak anything.

Tang Xi in a firm voice "Did the company hire you to be a mute?".

She shook her head and says "I- I am sorry Mam...".

Tang Xi burst out laughing"Ahh!!".

Su Ran shivers "Ma-mam...Why are you...".

Tang Xi groans "Oh stop it!! You are making me laugh!!".