Ah! Su Ran..I am really going to fire you!!

Jing was sitting beside Tang Xi who was still sleeping in couch.

Jing pouts and asks "Daddy!? When will mommy wake up?".

Lu Cheng rubs his forehead as he was hearing the same thing for half an hour!.

Su Ran burst into the cabin "I am sorry-".

She froze to see two people almost identical but different sizes sitting and her eyes widened seeing Tang Xi's sleeping position.

She panics "What happened!!?".

Tang Xi almost woken up hearing her voice.

Lu Cheng looks at Su Ran and asks coldly "Are you Su Ran?" Seeing her nodded he continued "Do you get salary for roaming around? Or to work?".

Su Ran shook her head frightened which made Tang Xi to laugh again.

Tang Xi cries "Ah! Su Ran..I am really going to fire you".

Lu Cheng stands seeing her awake and walks to her "Are you okay?".He notices her laughing deeply but averts his eyes away fast.

Tang Xi nods and sits slowly. She smiles Su Ran almost crying takes a deep breath.

Su Ran looks at her pitifully "Mam..I..".

Tang Xi smiles "Don't worry you are not fired yet..Handle everything I said..Did you buy it?".

Su Ran runs towards her and hands her new mobile.

Tang Xi stands up and says "Thank you".

She holds Jing "Lets go..".

Lu Cheng follows then leaving Su Ran in fear.


Lu Cheng gets a call and says "I will be back..". He looks at Tang Xi and says "I have a -".

She smiles "That's okay Mr.Lu..I have c-".-car

Lu Cheng cuts her off "Then I will be leaving".

"Bye Daddy!!".

He nods at Jing "Bye!".


Lu Resident.

Jing sees Tang Xi swallowing medicine and immediately fills her mouth biting a chocolate .

He wonders "Mommy!? Why didn't you eat Chocolate when Daddy gave you medicine?".

Tang Xi almost chokes "Baby!! I was in pain..I couldn't think about chocolate..". She thanks god none is here at this embarrassing situation!.

Crap!! I forgot to thank him again!!

Jing gets sad "Mommy ? Is it paining still?".

Tang Xi nods and adds "Don't worry I will be good soon..okay?"

Jing pouts sadly.
