I can't afford to leave my son's birthday without celebration

After a week.

Tang Xi didn't see Lu Cheng for a week since that 'incident' happened. She neither got a chance to thank him nor to assure him that she didn't mind. She really felt he was avoiding her because of it.

She was raised in US for several years and she doesn't mind this simple things. So that's really okay to forget.

Tang looks at the date and it will be New year in 2 days.For 3 years she has been celebrating Jing's birthday on this day.Because she doesn't know about his real birth date and she too doesn't want to forget this beautiful day in her life.

She decides to meet Feng Nie to know about Lu Cheng. She decides to ask Lu Cheng's suggestion, after all it's his first time to celebrate Jing's birthday.



Tang Xi asks Feng earnestly "Where is Lu Cheng? Is he busy?".

He avoids her eye contact "He went overseas to finalize some deal".

She nods "I planned to celebrate Jing's birthday-".

He cuts her off "No!!".

She was taken aback by his sudden refusal "Why?".

He sighs helplessly "Can we talk about this later?".

She frowns "Its in 2 days Mr.Feng...Can you tell him to reply my texts? I have been asking him Jing's real birthday through texts, but-".

He gets frustrated "Miss Tang..I said after his return!".

She gets angry and slams the table "I will go then" she stopped at the door and reminds him "I can't afford to leave my son's birthday without celebration.Inform him".

Feng Nie looks at the door as she walked away rubs his forehead. He grits his teeth "Now tell me what are you planning to do now?".

Lu Cheng walks out of a partition inside the room and sits nonchalantly "Let it happen.I don't mind what she does".

Feng Nie grunts "Are you planning to hide this from her?!".

Lu Cheng stares at him in rage "And Why are you expecting me to tell her everything?".

Feng Nie gets gloomy "You are really a heartless man, Aren't you?".

Lu Cheng coldly says "You know why I am doing this Feng!".

Feng Nie sighs and looks at him begging "Don't you think we have to inform her about Jing? She saved him by gambling her life dammit!!".

Lu Cheng stands tucking his hand in pocket "You better don't get emotional.And don't forget I am your friend".

Feng Nie clutches his fist and fumes "How can you be this heartless Cheng!!".

Lu Cheng turns around and goes out.

Tang Xi calls Lu Cheng while driving, but its not reaching again.

Tang Xi wonders "Why is he not showing Jing to his grandfather? Qin Xuan is still out roaming freely".

Is that deal is more important than this? However it is still great I could stay with Jing, till he solves everything.

She reaches home and sees Jing playing. She thinks to join him school again so that he wouldn't always around her and would get used to stay away from her.

She has to make him to stay away from her.

"Mommy!! What are you thinking?".

She was dragged by him and makes her sit with him.

Aunt Song comes with fruit juice "Miss, You are back!".

Tang Xi nods "Let me feed him".

She goes handing the glass to Tang Xi. Tang Xi sighs feeding him. Damn!! Lu Cheng!! What the hell are you doing leaving your son alone!? How can I leave Jing with this 'Caring' father!!.

The door opened and Lu Cheng entered into the room.

Jing sprinted towards him "Daddy!!".

Tang Xi "....." Speak of the devil, here it comes.