Lets create our own family

He sees her taking a pill and putting her mouth and pours water too- she is really insane.

In next instant he opened her eyes wide and stood dumbfounded!

She opens Lu Cheng's mouth and empties the content into his mouth forcing him to swallow!.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. How did I do not know this method exist? (Author-I think you should read more webnovel buddy! Its too frequent here).

Soon they heard the chopper sound outside and Tang Xi steps aside for Tianxian to carry him. Tianxian felt Lu Cheng's body temperature and stunned.No wonder she was mad!! Its great I called her on time!.

Tang Xi got inside the Chopper first and holds Lu Cheng's head placing it on her lap.

She rubs his hands and speaks in a low voice "Lu Cheng...Just hold on for little okay? We will be there soon..". She herself felt choking and couldn't help but cry.

She felt him started trembling and gasps "Tiaxian! Fast!". He turns to see her.When did she start crying? and looks at Lu Cheng.His heart sank. I shouldn't have been careless...Every time due to my carelessness Chief is suffering!!.

Soon they reached the hospital and Lu Cheng was moved into emergency ward. She holds her both hands support her head sitting in a chair. She recalls few years back she was waiting for her parents surgery after the accident.

She waited for whole 6 hours but finally she lost them.The surgeries went vain crashing all her hopes and her heart!.

She didn't realize herself crying sat staring down the ground. She didn't know whether she was crying thinking of her past or furture. She felt everything leaving her grasp and recalls his face filled with bruises.

"Why did he fight?" She blankly asked Tianxian.

He looks at her worriedly hearing her hoarse voice. He says "The Client went far speaking about Chief's parents"looks at her hesitantly and says "They..... died mysteriously".

She frowns "Mysteriously?".

He nods and says "Chief's mom was died after few months of his birth and doctors couldn't find the exact reason.His dad was died when he was 10. Reports said he was drunk and fell from cliff while he was in vacation.but..he never drank before...till now it remains a mystery".

She felt bad for Lu Cheng and gets sad thinking about her parents.They were always with her in her every step until that day!. She was pampered and allowed to act by her wish..I really miss them now.

She sees the door opened and stands.The doctor says with a smile "He is fine now.Its great you brought him on time.Otherwise it would have went worse.You can see him now".

Tianxian and Tang Xi gets relieved.Both enters the room and sees Lu Cheng with closed eyes. Tianxian says "I have something to do" and goes out.

She walks to Lu Cheng and touches his forehead.She sighs relieved as his temperature seemed normal. She sits in a chair beside his bed and holds his hand. She stares at him with tear in her eyes and says in a low voice "Lu Cheng..Don't you dare leave me alone..I started getting scared of being alone now...Lets create our own new family okay...?.". Her words was too slow and it was not sure even she herself heard them.

She was exhausted and didn't realize she already started sleeping. She wakes up and sees he was not in bed. She stands shocked and checks the bathroom.He is not there!!.