Now you have got a sister!

Everyone stunned and Gong was roaring "What!" and stood rooted.

She smirks "Wait for my other two announcements Mr.Gong!" and continues "I am announcing Mr.Ning Yuhan as a New board member of our Tang Corps by giving 15% shares of mine...So he is the second highest share holder in this room next to me".

Everyone felt as it was a dream..How could he become a board member out of nowhere!?.

She continues with a cold face "And I announce Mr.Ning Yuhan will continue as acting CEO of Tang Corps. As long as he leads our company successfully , he will remain in his position" and stares everyone "I hope none have any objections. If you have any, then give your suggestions to me later. I will...think about it .After all I am the highest shareholder with and a Heir too!".

None spoke for a minute. And everyone agreed and clapped. As for Mr.Gong was already dragged out closing his mouth by security guards.

Ning Yuhan was in a daze seeing her and his eyes was with complicated flash. Tang Xi looks at Su Ran and says "Prepare the documents... I am buying Mr.Gong's shares... Let him taste the bankruptcy ".

Su Ran was stunned "Mam..? Bankruptcy? this...".

Tang Xi laughs coldly "What? He almost made us lose..Do you expect me to pamper him?".

Tang Xi stands and forwards her hand to Ning Yuhan saying "Congratulations Mr.Yuhan".

He asks in a surprised tone "I remember you said you can't act ruthless Miss.Tang?" and forwards his hand too.

She adjourned the meeting now there was only Yuhan and Tang Xi in the room. She chuckles "Well..How can't I be ruthless while he was slaughtering you?".

He shook his head and says "I didn't expect you to be this protective about me!".

She smiles "How can't I be? You said you were going to fill my siblings' place! Then you are like an Elder brother for me now".

Yuhan looks down emotionally and lost in thoughts. She notices him sad and apologize "I am sorry..Did I go overboard?".

He shook his head "No..I was thinking about my family..".

She frowns "Are you missing them? Why can't you move them here? Now you got the shares-".

He smiles bitterly "I can't".

She shrugs "Why?".

He stares at her as if looking through her and says "I was sent to orphanage right after my birth".

She gets shocked "I am sorry Mr.Yuhan..".

He chuckles "Why are you feeling sorry? I was the one should be sorry to expect the heartless parents to accept me!".

She sees him anger and asks "Didn't they accept you?".

He looks away and says "They planned everything to keep me in distance! They named me, abandoned in an orphanage, kept in dark for 18 years! When I knew about them..I found they were dead!".

She gasps and gets silent.

He hisses "I hate them for everything they did to me!".

She gets sad and thinks to cheer him "Don't worry Brother Yuhan! Now you have got a sister!".