Use your nose to breath wifey!

Feng looks at Lu Cheng's car and says "He has to make his decisions wise".

He checks Tang Xi's reports and mumbles smiling "She is in temporary shock...".

Tianxian asks surprised "Temporary?".

Feng looks at him and says "Its nothing serious. She may get back her memories soon...may be when she wakes up".

Tianxian smiles relaxed "Then..lets inform Chief!!".

Feng holds his hand "Wait..Let me see what he chooses..." and gets thinking "He can't separate Jing from her abruptly!".


Private Villa.

Jing wakes up sensing Lu Cheng. He nestles in Lu Cheng's embrace "Daddy? Where is Mommy?".

Lu Cheng looks at him and says "She is fine.." and controls his tears. Lu Cheng brings the medical kit and treats Jing's wound in knee.

How could she end up forgetting everything after hurting her whole body to my son?!

Jing notices Lu Cheng's hurt in his hand and starts treating his wound. Lu Cheng traces his every actions. Jing picks the cotton swab and cleans with disinfectant. He applies the ointment and tries to roll the bandage but couldn't tie himself.

Lu Cheng grunts in pain while lost in thoughts. Jing panics "Daddy? hurts?!" and his eyes instantly filled with tears.

He sighs "No! It doesn't hurt! Don't cry". Lu Cheng helps tying the bandage for him. Jing kisses the bandage and smiles "It will heal soon now".

He watches Jing's face intently. Even though they looked identical, his every actions and expressions were Tang Xi's! Especially his pouting and smiling!

Lu Cheng felt his heart is stabbed and asks "Who taught you to treat wounds?".

Jing smiles "Mommy..." and pouts his mouth sadly.

Lu Cheng couldn't hold anymore, lifts Jing in his arms saying "Lets go to Mommy!".

Jing gets happy "Yes!" and hugs him smiling.


City Hospital.

Its already 3 AM. Lu Cheng leaves sleeping Jing with Tianxian in car and goes to see Tang Xi.

Tianxian gets Feng's call "Did he bring Jing with him?".

Tianxian smiles and says "Yes!".

Lu Cheng looks at Tang Xi and stares at her every features as if she would disappear soon.

He recalls Feng saying her memory would return soon and looks her almost without blinking.

She starts moving slightly.

Lu Cheng stands in fear instantly.

She holds her head frowning and mumbles something.

She opens her eyes and looks at Lu Cheng. She realizes something and gets out from bed.

Lu Cheng asks worriedly "Are you fine?".

She nods and asks "Where is Jing? How is he?".

Lu Cheng was looking at her like crazy. He never believed in miracle in his entire life. But now he would never say miracles don't exist!

After all she made him believe them right from their first encounter.

He wouldn't have believed if he didn't experience this!

She frowns and walks towards the door "Is he outside?".

She turns to ask him but found him already stood before her.

She looks into his eyes and asks surprised "Are you..crying?...Is Jing fine?". She panics and tries to turn.She needs to check Jing right now!

Lu Cheng hisses "He is fine!" and kisses her forcefully. She stumbles back by his sudden speed and tries to struggle.

He doesn't allow her to do anything. He feels her difficulty to breath and releases her . He breathes heavily and reminds her "Use your nose to breath wifey!".