Chief is unreasonable!

Lu Cheng gets suspicious "Was it a dream? Did she really remember me last night".

Technically it was early morning , when they were 'talking'.

He bites her neck to wake her. She moans lazily "Cheng...Don't..".

He chuckles happily and gets up from her. He sees the bag at door and frowns. He changes her clothes and 'helps' her to get fresh.

She is still lying semi-conscious. Lu Cheng gets changed and opens the door. No one? Strange !.

He calls Tianxian "Bring Jing to the room".

Aunt Song comes with Jing and goes into the room. He senses her acting weird and smiles. Seems I got some witness of my 'crime'.

He glances at Jing burrowed himself in Tang Xi's embrace and sighs thinking.

He sees Feng too behaving weird and asks "Why are you silent? Don't you have something to lecture me?".

Feng clenched his fist and goes in ignoring him. Lu Cheng sees Feng checked her pulse and finishes his test. He almost left running after completing the tests.

Lu Cheng is surprised to see his best friend acting so weird. 'Finally I get rid of a rival'. He recalls Dinesh in the footage and his lips twitched.

He calls Bran "How long you would take to send them?".

Bran says rolling his eyes "I was checking completely..but its nothing suspicious..they met hardly there...".

Lu Cheng gets silent and ends the call saying "Send them".

Bran looks his phone in disbelief "Cheng? Since when did you become narrow minded!?".

Lu Cheng sits playing the footage and crosses his leg nonchalantly. He looks at Jing's allergy incident and pauses. He saw her sitting alone and her eyes were swollen by crying.

He caresses her face on the screen and plays further. He finds another girl consoling her and Lu Yei too. Two were talking something but Tang Xi was looking at the door.

He felt his heart ached. Was she handling all alone ? She was heart broken for just a fever? What would she do in future? What if Jing disappears from her world? Will she still able to see me other than Jing in her world?.

He sees four of them in a gift shop. They looked like a family. He is disappointed at himself did I take her somewhere?

He squints his eyes looking at something and points the screen madly "Did she...she blush... seeing him!? Was she cheating on me?".

"Huh... Chief didn't met her it doesn't count as cheating..technically".

Lu Cheng stares Tianxian and fumes "Shut up! She was flirting in my absence!". He controls himself from entering the room and storms away from there.

Tianxian stood dumbfounded. Chief is unreasonable! How can she cheat on him, when she had no idea about him !!?