How long will you take?

Tang Xi looks at him and asks "Will they take girls too?".

He frowns "Yes but why?".

She sighs relaxed "Then lets send Xiao Yei too! Jing won't be alone there with her! It would be easy of me to persuade him".

He was taken aback "You were thinking about persuading him?".

She nods her head and asks "Will it work?".

He says "But about Jing's custody..." and stops trailing.

She frowns "What about his custody?".

He says irritated "Actually I should be signing my half custody while joining them. By keeping his complete custody with you... I will be standing like a clown there! Doing...nothing!!".

She burst into laughter suddenly. She chuckles "It will be too funny! Well...I am dying in anticipation!!".

How funny it would be!! Seeing him sulking before me, while I sign for Jing's admission! Young Master Lu Cheng!! Your face will turn green right!?.

He gets irked and stands frustrated.

She starts laughing badly and says "Oh my god!! My stomach hurts by laughing!!".

He looks at her and fumes "Do you think its funny?!".

She is holding her stomach still laughing in the bed. She couldn't take away his gloomy face from her mind.

His eyes turned dark and locks her under him.

She swallowed her laughs at instant and staring at him dumbstruck.

He wipes her tears from her eyes and asks "You were laughing to this end? Teasing me?" and gets his face near to hers.

He recalls how sad she was before and wonders 'Is she laughing because of me now?'

She stares at him and gulps. Why is he sounding dangerous ? Why is his breaths hot!?

He chuckles seeing her gulping in fear and raises his eyebrows "Try teasing me now".

She purses her lips and shakes her head timidly "No!".

He laughs and rolls beside her. She looks at him stunned. Wasn't he teasing me? I thought.....

He pulls her into his embrace and says caressing her cheek by his thump finger "Are you happy being with me?".

She nods.

He asks "How long will you take?".

She had no idea what is was asking about. So,she lifts her head and blankly stares him "Huh?".

He sighs "Nothing" and closes his eyes. '

You said you need time ...When will you initiate coming to me? Even though it doesn't mind if I do everything, sometimes I do mind! Why is it always me ? Why did I get possessed by you? But you are not by me?! Am I really your first? Huh..I mean your heart....I know I would be your last but everyone knows Their First Love is unforgettable!

She was already slept in his embrace. He feels her hands moving around his waist and gasps. It was not stiff and uncomfortable like before! But natural.

Did she think I am Jing?

Damn! I am getting jealous of my own son!!

He rests his chin on her head and lost in thoughts.