Coming with me would bring you headache?

Next day.

Tang Xi drives to school and sees Lu Cheng stood near the school gate.

He wanted to drag her back from Tang Villa last night. But he stopped seeing her happily speaking to a girl. The girl from India. He understood the girl was the one with her in the footage which he had seen before. He didn't want to spoil her happiness showing himself to her.

Tang Xi gets out from the car and asks irritated "Why are you here?".

She thought he would pester her last night. You didn't even meet me after that? Forget about showing up! He didn't even call!

Lu Cheng avoids her gaze and says "I apologize!".

She purses her lips and recalls her stood embarrassed in front of Karthick.

She asks indifferently "Don't you have work? You should be busy. Please leave ...".

Lu Cheng says sincerely "I am really sorry wifey".

She gets angry "Stop calling me that! And I am not going to talk to you!".

Lu Cheng rubs his forehead and diverts the topic "Are you going to the product launch?".

She asks mockingly "Why are you asking me? Don't you have someone to watch on me?".

Lu Cheng feels terrible and pleads "Will you stop hurting me? I know you are not interested in going ...but I-".

She raises her eyebrows "Who said I am not interested? Its my company and its my wish to attend or not! I am going!".

Am I hurting him?

She puts that thought back and walks in ignoring him.

Lu Cheng smiles seeing her and sighs "Hope you come. I have planned a great show today!".

Tang Xi stops after entering the campus and wonders frustrated "Did I just say him that I would go to product launch? Argh!! So what! Its my decision...I won't go!".

She walks towards her cabin.


Tang Villa.

Tang Xi looks at Ananya who was sitting gloomily. She asks tired "Are you going or not?".

Ananya pouts "Why should I go there? He would be angry anyway!".

Tang Xi mocks "Don't tell me you are not going to apologize!".

Ananya purses her lips and closes her eyes "I ..".

Tang Xi laughs and throws her the maxi long dress that she picked for her. She scoffs "Your face shows how much you are scared to face him! Just go. apologize. If he still gets mad as usual show your skills in martial arts!".

Ananya laughs blushing. She gets thinking. After few minutes, she asks biting her lips "Will he be convinced if I apologize?".

Tang Xi smiles "You know him more than me. Ask yourself!".

Ananya runs to change and Tang Xi starts reading some magazines.

Soon Ananya comes with water blue themed Maxi long dress and her waist long hairs curled. They were hanging till her waist.

Tang Xi looks at her and gasps surprised "Why do I feel I am looking at a mermaid? Ananya you are....just..Beautiful!!! ...I really envy seeing your hairs today! And don't you worry about Karthick! He would never say no to anything today!"and winks teasingly " he he...In fact he would forget everything seeing you today!!".

Ananya blushes and says "Thank you!".

Tang Xi laughs "Stop blushing! Reach the Venue soon! Or you will miss to apologize him!".

Ananya sulks "Can't you go? Its your event after all!".

Tang Xi looking at the magazines says "You know I really can't handle the crowd!" and cheers her "Don't worry Su Ran would join you and you won't be alone!".

Ananya sighs and goes.

Tang Xi looks at her leaving from the balcony and texts to Karthick.

[She is on her way]

She feels nauseating and runs into the bathroom. She throws up and mumbles "Seems I have to visit doctor...". She never felt so tired and stressed!

Is it because of our fight? This man! he is really itching my brain even in his absence!

She fixes appointment with a doctor and goes to get ready. She puts a simple pony tail and a sweater dress. She walks slowly and opens the door.

She gets startled to see Lu Cheng there. She whines "Why are you here?".

He asks suspiciously "Aren't you going to the event?". His gaze fell on her from her head to toe and frowns.

She looks at him in black tuxedo 'Crap! Why am I nervous?' and reminds herself 'You are angry at him!'.

She folds her hands and says indifferently "I changed my plan".

He gets sad and asks "Can't you forgive me? Do you hate me? I was wrong before! I-".

She looks at him sad and explains sincerely "Its really nothing to do with you. I am myself not comfortable with crowded events..". Why can't I see him sad?

Lu Cheng holds her hand "Lets go together! I will take care of that".

Tang Xi tries to persuade him "Cheng...I am really not going..I don't like exposing my identity..Then...I can't be normal in know..Things would change if they know me as an heir...They will start to judge me...I don't want to be judged by others...By coming with You..It won't be normal anymore.. I don't want to bring a headache ..".

His face turned gloomy "Are you saying coming with me would bring you headache?".

She looks at him in disbelief 'Seriously? I said so much! Did he just heard this one line?!'.