He is my son! He can't leave me!

Lu Cheng gets a text from Feng [What is her reaction?]

He texts Feng : [ Silent]

Feng replies : [ Talk! Make her to talk!].

Lu Cheng holds her hand and stunned to feel it so cold.

Tang Xi shudders feeling his hand. She is lost in her own world and her eyes were frosty. She tries her every ounce to believe it was a fake news.

Why would Lu Cheng take me to hospital, if its fake?

Lu Cheng asks "Are you feeling sick? Why aren't you talking?".

She swallows her urging sobs and says confidently "I have to see Jing" and I don't believe its serious! He would be fine when he comes to me like always!

He hears her voice strong and feels relieved.Poor he didn't realize it was silence before storm!


City Hospital.

Tang Xi follows Lu Cheng clenching her both shivering hands together. She looks at Feng and Tianxian with a serious face.

Her fear grew more and clutches Lu Cheng's hand tightly.

She asks earnestly "He would be fine ...right?".

Lu Cheng holds her shoulder and leads her to the doctor.

She stops frowning "Why aren't you taking me to Jing?".

He tightens his grip around the shoulder and says "Lets know about his sickness first".

She is reluctant and stands stubbornly "I have to see Jing first!!".

He grits his teeth and takes her to Jing's room. As soon as Tang Xi saw Jing. She releases herself from Lu Cheng's grip by pushing him and runs.

Lu Cheng stood devastated at looking her.

Tang Xi is shocked to see Jing's face lost its life and panics. She couldn't control her tears anymore and cries "Jing? See...Mommy is here..what happened to you..".

She couldn't believe he was not answering her and fumes at Lu Cheng "Why isn't he waking?! Please ...tell him ...to wake up....".

Lu Cheng's eyes were wet and holds her. He says "Lets meet the doctors".

She leaves hurriedly looking at Jing and she too wants to know what was the cause.

What made his condition serious? He should get fine soon! I couldn't see his condition!


Tang Xi and Lu Cheng sat facing four doctors for whole 30 minutes.

The man who was meeting Lu Cheng in his Head office before 2 months explains.

He finishes in apologizing tone "Mr and Mrs.Lu. Little Master's sickness is due to his birth ailments. As you know he was not born by natural method, his organs started to stop functioning.He just got few hours. We can't even try transplanting them, he can't take the major surgeries at this age. We are so-" and stops looking at Tang Xi who was staring in rage.

She was listening to all his explanations just hear a simple line. 'He would get fine soon'.

Instead did he say he got just few hours?!

Hearing him she lost her sanity and yells slamming the table "Stop your nonsense!! Just stop it!!" and pulls Lu Cheng by his collar "Cheng! What are you doing by hearing his bullsh**. Do you really believe his rubbish!!?".

Lu Cheng says defeated "He is saying truth" and looks away painfully.

She slaps him hard "How dare you!? Have you lost your mind? He is my son! He can't leave me! Don't try to fool me alright? Jing.is.not.leaving.me!".