Its him!!

Lu Cheng is looking at the torn papers and contemplating his decisions.


He picks the call and asks lazily "What is it?".

Bran asks "Did they appear on your screen too?".

Lu Cheng frowns and looks at his phone's screen.

[Stop chasing the things you never get!!]

He tightens his grip and asks "What's mean by this?".

Bran gulps in fear "She was...taken by D ...this time Knight too with him..Why did you send her alone?".


Knight's Place.

Knight pats Dinesh's shoulder and laughs "You did well. Let me handle him further!".

Dinesh's face is filled with worried and asks "Why do you plan to do with her?".

Knight smirks "Its nothing to do with you. You stay in your line and you will get the kid's custody legally".

Dinesh walks out without hearing anymore.

Knight calls his men and smirks "Send him the invitation!".


Old Lu House.

Grandpa breaks the glass table by slamming his stick "Did he ask my Little bun ?! He is dreaming!!".

Tianxian says sadly "Grandpa...He has Tang Xi with him!".

Grandpa grunts "I am not sending my child there! I can't lose my other grand child too!".

Lu Cheng says fiercely "Do you wish to let my wife to die in his hands?!".

Grandpa refutes "I am not allowing you too to go! Someone lock him up!!".

Lu Cheng stares the guards in killing intent "I dare you all to take a single step towards me!".

Everyone stood still and like they stuck between two rocks.

Grandpa says worriedly "Last time he almost killed you Cheng. I can't take risk for second time! You are the only grandson left for me!! ".

Lu Cheng looks at Tianxian "Take care of Grandpa" and walks out.

Grandpa yells emotionally "Cheng!!".

Tianxian looks at Grandpa and says assuring "Please Grandpa! He did everything he could! He gambled everything for her! Don't lose hope ..He would return safe...".

He instructs Assistant Wu to take care and walks out. He calls Bran "Where is he?".

Bran says "He is on his way to get Lu Yei from school .. This time are we going to handle?".

Tianxian curses "Why is Knight after Chief even after years?".

Tianxian says sternly "I am going to follow him.Are you tracking him?" and drives his car.

Bran says "Yep! He is on his way to the Presidential School now! What do we do next? Cheng told not to follow him!".

Tianxian orders "Forget his rubbish! No matter what. Keep tracking him".

Bran curses "Sh** he removed the tracker!".

Tianxian grits his teeth "Follow him by traffic footage ! Find Knight's hide out!".


Lu Cheng drives to the place which shown in his car's GPS. Seems they hacked it.

He glances at Lu Yei who is sleeping and mutters "Why is he asking her custody? How is she related to Knight and D? Are they related to Qin Xuan? Then why did they kill her?".

He reaches the place and steps out. He looks at the camera before the gate.

Soon two men came to open the gate.

One carried Lu Yei and walked front. Other followed Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng walked with his stern face and anticipating to meet his old enemy Knight!.

The man carries Lu Yei away and the other goes pushing Lu Cheng into a hall. Lu Cheng walks looking around silently and his gaze was all around the place.

He stopped in her tracks seeing a man's silhouette.

Its him!!.