
Her Apartment.

She says bitterly "Whatever, I don't want any family now".

Yuhan looks at her guiltily "Can you forgive me? I- ".

Tang Xi looks at him and smiles "You don't have to apologize. I don't blame you in any ways ! In fact I have to thank you for giving me a chance to know the truth" and says painfully "Leave now".

She blinks her eyes repeatedly so that her tears wouldn't fall out of her eyes.

Yuhan asks "Are you abandoning your own brother? Is it because I am illegitimate?".

She shocked to hear his words and says earnestly avoiding his pitiful gaze "It doesn't matter to me and You know that very well".

She would really cry, if she looks his face! She knew how much he would have suffered since childhood just because of their parents!

Yuhan sighs "Then why are you neglecting me? Don't you want a family too?".

She smiles bitterly and subconsciously caresses her stomach "I have mine. You can leave now".

Yuhan walks out defeated and contemplating her gestures.

He looks back Tang Xi's apartment suspiciously.


Lu Head Office.

Lu Cheng is attending a meeting and his mobile vibrates by a call from an unknown number.

He stops for a second and continues ignoring the call. As the deal worth millions of money.

If not for its importance, he really would have skipped this too. He already had no time to even attend the meetings, as he had some 'Important' issues to 'handle' personally!

Tang Yuhan creased his brows and texts [Tang Xi] and smirks at his mobile.

He keeps the mobile aside to pick his cigar.


Tang Yuhan's smirk broadened 'At last I found something to tame you?!'

But worst part is he had became my Brother-in-law now! He knew very well. Lu Cheng just continued being in this marriage at first, just to observe Tang Xi.

Only his suspicions on her and Jing's custody were the reasons for keeping Tang Xi in his home! But things had changed drastically now!

He picks the call and heard Lu Cheng's anxious voice 'Tang Xi? Where are you?'.

Tang Yuhan is in a great mood to tease him and says calmly "She is in my custody".

Lu Cheng grits his teeth and storms out of the meeting room.

Everyone just watched him blankly.

Did he just walk out while signing the deal?! Can't he wait for a second?!

Lu Cheng hisses "Where is she!?".

Tang Yuhan laughs mockingly "You can meet her when I decide but-" and asks pausing "Give me a reason to believe you. I can't risk my sister's happiness".

Both sides remained silent for a while.

Lu Cheng sighs and says calmly "I don't want my kid to grow up without either of his parents...not again!".

He knew that this would be Knight's soft corner! May be he would agree?

Knight's face lost his playful smirk and ends the call with complex emotion, saying "Wait for my call!".

Before talking about this, I have to convince her! I can't let my sister suffer without a complete family! Not in my presence!


Next Day.

Tang Xi stares before her while washing the vessels.

I am his own sister! I was not adopted! My parents just abandoned him just because he was illegitimate?!.

She feels sorry for him but she couldn't make him family. She wouldn't have hesitated if he was just Ning Yuhan even if he plotted against her.

But she is afraid of his underground identity! He is Knight!

She never expected even in her dreams that Knight would be her own brother!

She stops washing and frowns "Is it safe here now? He knows my place! Will Lu Cheng too find me soon?!". She doesn't know how long she stood thinking.

She rubs her cold sweats in her forehead and feels dizzy.


She couldn't hear anything as her ears were blocked and gulps feeling thirsty.

She drinks water and calms herself. She lays in the sofa tired and thinks "I should leave from here as soon-".

The door was broken from outside.


Tang Xi jumps shocked and sees Tang Yuhan entering with worried face.

He asks nervously "Are you okay?".

She looks at him in disbelief "Did you just broke the door to ask this!?".