Don't worry wifey!

After a week.

Lu Old House.

Elder Lu is taking his medicines and grunts "Where did that brat disappear!?".

Uncle Wu answers handing him another pill "Master! Young Master said that he went to visit some constructions site in City Z".

Grandpa's face turned happy seeing Tang Xi coming from her room.

Tang Xi smiles seeing Grandpa and greets "Good Morning Grandpa!".

Grandpa smiles "Morning..Xiao Xi..Do you still have to work? should take rest in this condition".

Tang Xi nods "Yes Grandpa! I understand. Don't worry Grandpa. I am resigning today".

Grandpa nods satisfied and goes to his room.

She walks towards the dining table and sits drinking her soup.

Aunt Song comes out of the kitchen hurriedly and asks "Young Miss..What would you like to eat for lunch? You are relieving from your job today right?".

Tang Xi nods smiling "Aunt Song..Just make anything. I like everything you cook!".

Aunt Song laughs lightly "Alright! Then. Reach soon. I will wait for you".

Tang Xi smiles and hugs Aunt Song "I will be back soon".

She drives to school happily.As She doesn't need to be tired all day if she resigned. She couldn't help but smile stroking her abdomen.

This week...Almost passed peacefully. Lu Cheng as usual disappeared and Tang Xi didn't care too.

She kept the divorce papers ready so that he would sign in them once he returns!

Tang Xi reaches the Imperial School and finishes official formalities. She empties her table and takes a box which had her things.

She parted from her colleagues after giving them gentle hugs.

She comes out hugging the box before her and stops in her tracks.

After a week.. Finally he showed up!

Lu Cheng stood leaning to his car and smiles "You resigned?".

Tang Xi looks his face. His hairs were an inch longer now. His shoulder bandage has been changed into simple one.

Didn't brother say it would take a month to move his hand?

He takes the box from hands by his left hand and stuffs into her car.

She rolls her eyes "Its wasn't even heavy".

Lu Cheng gestures his driver and holds Tang Xi's hand, saying "Lets go somewhere".

She raises her eyebrows "Where?".

He opens the door of backseat and bows "I need your suggestions in site".

She couldn't stop herself smiling by seeing his formal bow and mocks "For your kind information, I am just a Teacher" and sits inside.

He smiles and runs to other side of the car and sits beside her.

He says "I don't need a professional suggestion wifey!".

Tang Xi ignores him as she lost her interest to talk to him, hearing the word 'wifey'.

They reach the construction site and Lu Cheng frowns thinking something.

He holds her hand "Wait a minute".

Tang Xi nods and looks the site blankly. What would I suggest him? I have no idea about constructions!

Tang Xi sees Lu Cheng opening the door for her.

Seeing Lu Cheng leans towards her, she subconsciously leans back in shock.

Lu Cheng laughs lightly "Don't worry wifey!" and makes her wear a mask, gloves, coat and helmet "It would be dirty there".

Tang Xi is really both surprised and touched. She sees him in a trance while he helps her step out of the car.

He holds her in his arms after zipping her coat and walks towards a building which was under construction.

Tang Xi gasps seeing the size of the building and asks "Is this a villa?".

He too looks at the building with her and says "Kind of..".

She checks around the building in awe and opens her eyes wide. She asks pointing a space with just foundations laid "It that a garden?".

He smiles nodding "Is it good?".

She nods her head approving "It's..perfect! I mean the plan is great".