How was what!?

She waves before him and points out the switch "Cheng! Is this the switch? Shall we go down?"

So she was asking about the switch? Was she really unaffected by our kiss?!

Lu Cheng coughs lightly "Wait till we reach the top. It has a great view!".

He switches on the lift again.

Tang Xi subconsciously moves closer to him and gasps nervously "The previous view almost scared me! Whose idea is this? They sure have planned to give heart attacks to the persons who climb this tower!".

I wonder how scared the workers would have been actually, while building it!

Lu Cheng had a separate plan for this tower previously. But fortunately this tower helped him bringing her close. Huh..It wasn't planned though!

His lips turned into a playful smirk.

After reaching the top floor, Tang Xi closed her mouth by her hands "Oh My God!".

She felt as if she was standing on some cloud. She still sticking in Lu Cheng's embrace.

She smiles madly "This is incredible!".

Lu Cheng tightens his left arm around her. Just for more safety! She is not alone now after all. She is with my kid!.

He didn't made her to stay there for long. Due to low pressure up there, it would be risky.

He switches the lift down "Lets go down!".

Tang Xi squeals "Cheng!".

He laughs seeing her smiling broadly "What!? Are you scared?".

She buries her head in his chest "It tickles! Can we go by stairs!? I don't feel the base below my foot! It feels like falling down!".

He doesn't know whether to cry or laugh. He chuckles "Wifey! Its 75 floors! Don't even think about it!".

She couldn't stand the tickling sensation inside her stomach. She hugs Lu Cheng tight and waits badly for the trip to end!

The lift reaches the ground floor.

As soon as it stopped Tang Xi escapes from it and calms her breaths.

This is insane! I never gonna ride in that crazy thing!!

She feels nauseating and gags. She didn't had her lunch yet so she only felt uneasy but actually didn't throw up.

Lu Cheng rubs her back "Are you alright?".

Tang Xi really wanted to yell at him.

This man! Brought me here! Made me scared to death!

But She simply nods and avoids seeing him.

I went crazy! I was literally clinging to him!

Both walks to the car which has been waiting for them.

Tang Xi didn't want to talk to him. If she did, she would feel even more embarrassed!

Lu Cheng breaks the silence after stepping into the car "How was it?".

Tang Xi ".." How was what!? Can't he be particular? My stupid mind reminds me something embarrassing!

He might have guessed her thoughts as her face is blushing. She was looking towards the window without even glancing his side.

He smiles looking away and clears his throat "The design of building...Is it fine? Do you like it?".

Tang Xi grits her teeth "Yes!".

I was mad at him! He tricked me!? How did he know I am scared of heights?!

She removes the coat and gloves. She massages her legs as it was sour. She didn't know why she agrees everytime to come with him!?

Lu Cheng frowns "Are you hurt?".