Please don't do anything to Su Ran!

Lu Cheng grunts feeling wronged "Stop accusing me! I didn't intend to kill him! I already instructed someone to stop him by a place-".

Tang Xi is tired to hear him and stands "Stop explaining..Its no use now".

Lu Cheng holds her hand to stop her from walking away while he was still kneeling "I didn't finished yet!".

Tang Xi declares "But I am done with you!" and struggles to free her hand.

He stands and holds her shoulder "Did you forget? You were the first to ask something to me!".

She frowns and looks at him 'I asked him?'.

He says in a tired tone "Lets create our family Tang Xi. I am really tired of being alone...I am so scared to lose you now".

Tang Xi's eyes turned frosty and her throat was blocked.

He heard me? He wasn't unconscious?!

He sighs "Take your time! Even years..I will wait for lifetime..I will wait till you forgive me..I will do anything to get your forgiveness! I won't force you in your decision this time! Lets don't make our baby suffer between this okay? I don't want our baby suffer like me without his parents".

Tang Xi sees him leaving and her face turned gloomy.

Lu Cheng gets into the car and rubs his face. He lits a cigarette. He looks at the house and instructs "Drive to Feng's house!".



'Lets don't make our baby suffer between this okay? I don't want our baby suffer like me without his parents'.

'Lets create our family Tang Xi. I am really tired of being alone...I am so scared to lose you now'.

Tang Xi is going insane in embarrassment.

Lu Cheng you idiot! You heard me!? Argh!!! Its all my fault! I shouldn't have said anything so stupid to him!!

For hours and hours she was dying because of regret!!


She frowns looking at the floor "My mobile? He brought it from the car?".

She sees its Su Ran and attends "Su Ran? What-".


Tang Xi's creases her brows "Su Ran?".


Tang Xi's body felt goosebumps hearing the sounds of laughing and panics.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOME!! LEAVE ME! I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!" Su Ran's voice almost went choking at finishing her sentence.

An another round of laughter is heard.

Tang Xi holds her mobile tight and her heart is pounding so fast. She runs towards the landline phone and dials Tang Yuhan's number.

"Miss.Tang...Do you hear us?"

Her action froze and gulps nervously "Who are you? What do you want?".

She intently waits for Tang Yuhan to pick the call.

The man laughs "Who am I? Hehe! Miss.Tang, if you want to see this slutty Assistant alive, then reach here".

"Please don't! Don't touch me! Please!!" Su Ran's shrill voice made Tang Xi shiver.

Tang Xi says "I will come..Please don't do anything to Su Ran! Alright? She has nothing to do-".

The man chuckles "15 minutes Miss.Tang. Or you won't recognize this slut!

Miss.Tang if you come late...she would pay for each minute!".


Tang Xi goes out anxiously and dials Tang Yuhan's number "Crap! Why isn't he picking the call!!?".

She drives the car and thinks "Shall I ask Lu Cheng's help?".

She calls his number but he is also not picking!

Very well! Now Both aren't picking up my call!!