
Tianxian whines "Why are you suddenly talking negative?".

Feng throws the damp towel on him "I am speaking practically! So stop blabbering rubbish!".

Tianxian is completely in favour of Tang Xi and asks "Oh really? Then why should she hug him so -".

Feng chuckles "Of course she was scared! Don't you have a brain? She almost witnessed her death and no one was there with her...when she saw Cheng..psychologically..she would have done that to anyone ..even she would have hugged you if she saw you first!".

Tianxian notices Lu Cheng's glare and gulps "..." Is he trying to reason or scheming to kill me?

Tianxian rebukes timidly "Then..she should have hugged Bran first! As he was the one to save her personally! But she didn't! Why should she only hug Cheng!?".

Lu Cheng looks at Tianxian and Feng blankly "..."

Feng scoffs "She didn't know Bran you fool! How could she hug a complete stranger ?".

Tianxian points af him sarcastically "Didn't you say she would have hugged anyone!? Don't try to twist the words-".

"SHUT UP!!".

Both looked at angered Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng is already burning in rage as he was tricked by his 'Wifey'! Her condition was like a ticking time bomb which would blast anytime for him and he doesn't want to live in fear of losing her anytime!

He hisses "I asked for a solution!!".

Feng shrugs "Don't sign! She would not hesitate to leave you if she-".

Tianxian lost his cool and interrupts "Rubbish! She would have ran away if she wanted! Did you forget who is her brother now? If she really wanted to leave, then she could have done that before..She might have left even without seeing Chief! But she was staying in Old house! Even in Chief's absence! What's meaning of this?! She too wanted to be with him!".

Seeing both hearing him intently, without missing the opportunity he blurts everything in mind! 'I should not let anyone blame her selfish! Because she is not!' and asks both " She should have lost her trust on Chief..Tell me who would believe you after you broke their trust....?".

Feng burst into laughter and scoffs "So you know how to talk seriously too? I just thought you-".

Lu Cheng was contemplating something serious and declares "He is right!".

Feng "..." Who?