I have someone waiting ..

Su Ran enters into Tang Xi's room and sees the nurse waiting for Tang Xi to wake up, as she didn't had her food yet.

Su Ran walks and sits in a chair supporting her chin by her hands. She asks the nurse nonchalantly "Nurse? Would be there any effects if Mam skips her breakfast?".

The nurse nods worriedly "Yes Miss! Its really bad for kid's health".

As soon as she finishes speaking, Tang Xi scoffs in a calm voice "Just stop talking! I am already awake by all of you!".

She pushes the quilt and stands slowly.

Su Ran notices her and smiles seeing her sluggish.

Mam is so cute! I am sure her babies are going to steal everyone's heart in future !

She sees Tang Xi coming out after freshening and says "Mam...Thank you for saving me..".

Tang Xi says while tying her messy hairs into a hair bun "I have to apologize you first! If not for my decision, you wouldn't have faced this..".

Tang Xi walks towards her and sighs seeing the bandage in Su Ran's head. She apologizes "I am really sorry Su Ran...Just because of me , you got hurt!".

Su Ran waves her hand awkwardly and asks eagerly "Mam!? Are you really just 3 months pregnant?!".

Tang Xi sits next to her and sighs "You completely forgot what I just told, didn't you? I apologized just now-".

Su Ran dismisses her words and asks with anticipation "Mam! Please tell me the truth!" and whispers seeing the nurse went keeping the breakfast "They are twins.. right!?".

Tang Xi who was about to eat , stopped abruptly and gasps "How did you..". No one know !!

Su Ran clasps her hands triumphantly and almost slams the table "I knew it! I guessed seeing your stomach! I had been with my sister during her pregnancy! I just guessed but I am damn right!".

Tang Xi couldn't help but pinch her cheek making Su Ran to scream lowly.


Su Ran rubs her paining cheek "It hurts!".

Tang Xi ignores her complaints and asks "Had your breakfast?".

Su Ran smiles awkwardly 'I forgot...'. The boss is not at all a gentleman!! He never asked whether I am hungry!! *sigh* However..I too need to meet my baby.

Tang Xi forwards her food "Here..have it! I will drink the fresh juice".

Su Ran shakes her head lightly and says blushing "Mam..I will eat later...I have someone waiting .. ".