I can find her myself!

Tang Yuhan swiftly makes Lu Cheng trapped and chuckles tired "Not bad Lu Cheng! You are really good at attacking but couldn't defend well".

Lu Cheng feels Tang Yuhan's grip tightened in his throat and kicks by his leg.

However, his mind was subconsciously filled with Tang Xi's anxious face last night while she was asking him to agree to her conditions. He grits his teeth and hisses "Where is she?!".

Tang Yuhan smirks "Don't you have to worry about you now? You should get out from here first to find her!".

Lu Cheng holds Tang Yuhan's hands tightly and makes a sudden move, as a result both of them fell down suddenly, leading to get freed from each others grip.

Tang Yuhan chuckles coldly "Show me all you have got! I am not leaving you today!".

Lu Cheng looks at equal coldness "But I don't have time To play with you!" and turns to go out.

Tang Yuhan announces "If you win, I will take you to her. If you lose, sign the conditions which she told you before!".

Lu Cheng didn't even turn and smirks "I can find her myself!". 'So she left without waiting for me? Also asked HIM to get my signs!?'. His face turned dark and cold.

'Tang Xi! You are taking advantage of my love till now, aren't you? Now you started threatening me ?! I hate anyone taking advantage of my weakness! '.

Tang Yuhan senses Lu Cheng's changed expression and laughs "Alright! I am giving you a chance to find her then! I will wait for your defeated face till tomorrow!". He is satisfied for now as he gave a catalyst to make Lu Cheng sign fast for now!. 'But he tackled me so easily? with a single move? Interesting...'.

Lu Cheng glares at him for a last time before storming out of Tang Villa.


City Z.

Tang Xi looks at the paintings in a popular exhibition. Every year the Artists Club would conduct an exhibition to fund some charities.

This year, the collections presented were already sold out within few hours!.

Tang Xi and Su Ran was looking at a painting.

Su Ran is holding her both hands against her chest and cries whispering "Its so sad..".

Tang Xi is really getting bored and she really had no idea why Tang Yuhan sent them here.

She looks at Su Ran getting emotional and asks looking at her weirdly "Are you for real?".

Su Ran sniffs and says "I have a weak heart..mam..see the girl in that painting...".

Tang Xi stares at Su Ran for few seconds and looks at the painting that Su Ran pointed.

'Indeed! It has a girl ...standing alone...its only her back view! How could we decide that she is sad!?'.

Tang Xi crosses her hands and scoffs at Su Ran "Its nothing sad Su Ran! She is just standing alone!".

"Many people always fail to notice the details Miss"

Tang Xi and Su Ran turns subconsciously hearing an elegant voice from their behind.

The girl ignores both and just walks forward looking at the painting in a trance "She is alone. And the black shades around her represents her inner struggles".

Tang Xi too focuses on the painting hearing her words.

The girl continues pointing the painting "And the shady image here...seems she is reminiscing some of her sad memories ...".

Tang Xi stood in daze too as she never went for a painting exhibition and this small details in the painting can express a lot of feelings?

The girl says " One of her hands is clutching her skirt tight...so she should be scared...or angry..or may be she is trying to control her anger..but my opinion is..she is abandoned...".

Tang Xi felt something burdening in her heart seeing the painting now and darts her both eyes everywhere in the painting.