Aww! I am so talented!

Ananya coughs "Baby..I am busy now...".

Karthick interrupts "Wait! No ..I am not done-".

Ananya ends the call abruptly and gulps "Crap! He would not leave this !".


She looks at the text and humphs

[I have thought a good punishment for this. *Smirk* Just waiting for your return baby].

She closes her eyes in defeat "I am dead !".


She checks out irritated "Now what?!" and smiles checking the text "You actually sent them!?".

She chuckles and looks at the reports in her table. She sighs sadly "But I have to prepare for my presentation!".

She calls Tang Xi and says "I am sending you something and look whether its useful and I will suggest some movies ..if you still have no idea".

She frowns hearing no reply "Hello?". She looks at her mobile and sees the call has ended. 'Is she sleeping? Then why did she attend ?'.

She shrugs carelessly and starts looking at her presentation.


Few Days later.

Lu Residence.

Tang Xi is leaning on her bedhead and thinking something serious while holding the earphone.

She mumbles "These are good...but" and looks at the time holding her forehead.

She keeps them aside and gets down from bed. She locks the room's door and double checks it.

She opens her wardrobe and takes out a box. She cuts the package and opens the box excited.

She takes the clothes out "Clothes are ready..". She looks at two suits and smiles thinking something.

She keeps one inside and looks at other set smiling 'I hope he likes it!'.

She hides the box and walks out of her room.

Aunt Song sees Tang Xi coming down and asks "Miss? Why are you carrying it!? You could have told me!".

Tang Xi gives her the box and requests "I need your help to send this..".

Aunt Song nods "I will get it done. Come have your food".

Tang Xi asks while having food asks "Aunt Song? Can I ask you something?".

Aunt Song nods with a smile.

Tang Xi asks instantly "What should one gift for their husband?".

Aunt Song throws up her food and coughs.

Tang Xi ".." What did I do now?

Aunt Song pats her chest and says breathing heavily "Miss! I am unmarried...".

Tang Xi gets shocked and hands her another glass of water timidly. She apologizes "I am sorry...".

Aunt Song holds her hand and shook her head "Fine fine..". She asks smiling "So you were so busy these days for preparing gift for Mr.Lu?".

Tang Xi blushes and says reluctantly "I wasn't involved completely..but".

Aunt Song announces "Alright! Just have your food fast or I can't answer Mr.Lu".

Tang Xi smiles carelessly and wonders "Aunt Song? Why didn't you marry?".

Aunt Song looks at her food and says absent-minded "I never had time".

Tang Xi "..." Is she kidding me?.

Aunt Song understands Tang Xi's thoughts and explains "I had been raised in an orphanage. After.. I decided to work as caretaker for the kids in there. So I really had no time".

Tang Xi asks worriedly "Won't you feel alone?".

Aunt Song smiles "I had many kids to take care of then. So I was never alone".

Tang Xi gets thinking and gasps "Was it under one of our Tang Corps ?!".

Aunt Song nods and gets busy in her work.

Tang Xi asks looking at her "Can you remember anyone named Ning Yuhan?".

Aunt Song frowns and nods remembering "Yes..How couldn't I know? I raised him! He was admitted while he was a child. But he ran away from the orphanage years back. Till now I wonder what happened!".

Tang Xi nods "I am going upstairs..". 'Is this a coincidence?'.

She stops at her tracks and her eyes brightened. She smiles nervously and calls the ring shop immediately.

After instructing, she ends the call contently. She walks into the room and lays on the bed tired "Fortunately I have got a lot of time ".

She takes the mobile and pulls out the earphones. She plays the songs loud "I can hear them without any pressure now".

She was getting headache while concentrating. She was so careful not to miss any lines. But now, she already got the words and by herself!

She grins proudly and smiles "Aww! I am so talented! Can I start writing poems?".


Tang Xi sees its from Lu Cheng and attends beaming "Yes Mr.Lu?".

Lu Cheng grunts "Why didn't you tell me!?".

Tang Xi "..." Tell him what? S***!! What is he asking about?! Did he catch my plans?!

Lu Cheng says "Be ready to explain once I reach!".


Tang Xi looks at her mobile blankly "What happened?!".

She shrugs and looks around suspiciously "I didn't leave any trace marks right?".

She goes towards balcony and waits for his return.


Few minutes before.

Lu Head Office.

Lu Cheng asks looking at the reports and frowns "Why is the details mentioned twice? And...What's with these different results?". He stops and turns the reports to the first page.

Tianxian was standing innocently as he had no idea what his Chief was asking about...

He just reminded him that he had pending files to look including Tang Xi's check-up reports.

Lu Cheng sits straightened and blinks in disbelief "She must be kidding me!".

He stands immediately and walks out dialling her number.

Lu Cheng still couldn't believe what he had just saw and mutters angrily "She didn't tell me! Doesn't she find important to tell me this?".

He looks at his watch and frowns looking outside. He asks doubtfully "Why are going in a wrong way?".

The man who was driving answers calmly "Someone wants to meet you".

Lu Cheng only now realises that the man is not his driver and leans alert to take the gun out.

The man smirks "Don't worry I am not kidnapping you. I just need you to meet someone and hear a proposal".

Lu Cheng holds the gun and leans back but still in complete defense. He snorts in his heart "I too wanna meet that 'someone' who is capable of playing with me".

He gets disappointed and sighs rubbing his forehead "I wanted to meet her".

The man informs "The meeting would end soon Young Master. We won't waste your time".

Lu Cheng sneers "Well good then".

He takes his mobile to text Tang Xi and sees there is no network. He looks at the driver darkly "Network Jammer?!".