Did you forgot whom YOU are talking to?

After two hours.

Tang Xi who was tired of waiting for Lu Cheng. She looks at her mobile sullenly as she called him for more than 10 times by now.

Her initial anxiousness is completely drained now. She pouts holding her stomach "Lets go! Your dad would be busied himself again! See! He forgot us!".

She walks down thinking "He is really busy these days. I couldn't talk to him as I was busy too. I saw him awake till 11 PM while I subconsciously attended Ananya's call. I wonder what his dreams are! He was already rich three years back. Why is he tiring himself?".

Tang Xi starts feeling pity for him now, as if she was never angry at him before. She stops seeing Tianxian in the living room and smiles brightly "Where is Cheng? Is he busy? Did he send you here instead of him?".

Tianxian "...." Didn't Chief come to meet you?

Seeing him shocked, Tang Xi frowns "What happened? Did he send you to ask anything?". 'He said he wanted to know something..But why would he send Tianxian after telling me that he would come personally'.

Tianxian realizes that Lu Cheing didn't return yet and smiles "Nothing! I ..just came to ..ask whether you received the details about chief!".

Tang Xi "..." Now this is weird!

She smiles doubtfully "You came here to ask this? Seriously?".

Tianxian had no choice other than avoiding her question, as he wants to find about Lu Cheng. He says nervously "Oh! I forgot ! Chief asked me to do a task..I would be leaving then..".

He runs out hurriedly leaving Tang Xi puzzled.

As soon as he came out, he calls Bran. He asks anxiously "Bran! Where is Chief?".

Bran blinks blankly "Who? Cheng? Where would- wait! I should be the one to ask you this! Are you kidding me? Whose assistant are yo-".

Tianxian lets out a breath and asks angrily "What were you doing? Its your job to supervise everyone's move! How can you be so careless!?".

Bran gets irritated "Wait! You must be crazy! I am keeping eye on Lu Residence 24/7 and I am living as owl for whole day! I literally started forgetting to blink my eyes! I am scared to hell whether she would trick me again to disappear ...You are accusing me? And you are asking me to watch over Cheng? What if he knows this? Won't he fire me? And-"and stops suddenly realizing.

Bran asks suspiciously "Wait! Where is Cheng?".

Tianxian sighs defeated "He went from office before 2 hours and didn't reach Lu Residence yet!".

Bran shrugs casually "Then he would have had something to take care of. Why are you creating a scene?".

Tianxian grunts "Chief was going to meet Tang Xi and he went hurriedly too! Its impossible that he would ignore her-".

Bran gasps "Unless".

Tianxian nods "Exactly! I called him but his mobile is out of reach".

Bran turns on his laptop and declares "Hold on.. I will see his last traces..Where did he went from office?".

He creases his eyebrow and says "I think he changed his mind last minute. He went somewhere around outskirts of City".

Tianxian asks "How could this be?!".

Bran declares "I can see him conscious ! He didn't struggle too. So Relax..He would be fine".

Tianxian nods "Alright! Lets wait for his return".

Tang Xi asks "Wait for what?".

Tianxian gets stoned and turns to look Tang Xi looking at him frowning.


Tang Yuhan smirks "You dare to raise your gun on me?!".

Lu Cheng didn't have any idea to let Tang Yuhan to spoil his plan and hisses lowly so that no one could hear him "Stop being fool by emotions!".

Others were looking at Lu Cheng in complete horror.

Mo Shan gasps "How did you get this gun?!". I instructed that ******* to kidnap him without any doubt!.

Li Chin comes smirking and completely believed Lu Cheng now. He laughs pitifully at Tang Yuhan "Mr. Ning! I wish you could live for few more years...".

Tang Yuhan scoffs mockingly "I would definitely see you dead! You don't know whom you are messing with! I-".

Lu Cheng curses under his breath and nudges Tang Yuhan by his gun hard "Dare you speak a word! Did you forgot whom YOU are talking to? We! City A's powerful clans's Masters! can really do anything here! What could you...a mere manager..do? Just shut your stinky mouth or I will make you!".

Tang Yuhan frowns 'Powerful clans? Oh yes! Even they can't do anything legally ..still they could threaten me with my weakness....Tang Xi? but no one knows that I am her brother and even an heir of Tang Corps! Everyone believes that I am just a manager named Ning Yuhan who works for Tang Corps!'.

Seeing Tang Yuhan lost in thoughts, Lu Cheng sighs relaxed "Seems you realized the situation".

Li Chin looks at Lu Cheng and chuckles mockingly "I admire the way you handle the people Mr.Lu. But don't be hard on Mr. Ning..He is just afraid of his Boss".

The whole people except THE TWO starts laughing mocking without noticing Lu Cheng and Tang Yuhan.

Li Chin snorts "By the way...Where is she hiding Mr.Ning? After suing one of her board member she disappeared! I think she is dead or would have sleeping eternally somewhere".

Lu Cheng grits his teeth and grunts "What does she has to do with this? Lets talk about the plan..I have -".

Mo Shan chuckles "Mr.Lu ! I think you never saw her before! Such a beauty..but died in vain!".

Tang Yuhan roars "Dare you say her dead!".

Lu Cheng loses his cool and rubs his forehead worried 'Everything is going out of my hands now!'.

Li Chin snorts at Tang Yuhan "Wow! Can anyone see this Loyal dog of Tang Corps?! We just called you for a formality. We would have been really happy if..."and thinks something saying doubtfully "Tang..Xi yes! If she had attended the meeting then it would have been interesting!".

Lu Cheng curses himself for not killing them at this instant.

Before Lu Cheng could react, Mo Shan laughs "I heard she was hidden in abroad since her childhood!Who knows what could be the reason behind. May be any person behind-".


Tang Yuhan "..." Someone said me to act cool!