Both kids would be the smartest!

Tang Xi looks at him darkly "...." 'I am hiding? Is he accusing me?'.

Lu Cheng looks at her stomach and smiles "No wonder ....".

Tang Xi is lost in worry 'Would he still be happy if he knows about the complications in my pregnancy? I really don't want to make him worried..but...Is it good to hide this? But I am afraid'.

Lu Cheng asks staring her face "Is it difficult?".

Tang Xi looks back blankly "Difficult?". 'What is he talking about?'.

She was lost in her own thoughts previously so she couldn't guess that he was asking about the pregnancy.

Lu Cheng points out her stomach "Are they making things difficult for you?".

Tang Xi smiles instantly and shakes her head "They are so good..".

Lu Cheng chuckles "Good then..See my kids are well behaved like me".

Tang Xi gets stunned and rebukes instantly "No! They are like me!".

Lu Cheng laughs and scoffs "Stop it Wifey! Everyone knows who is well behaved among us!".

She humphs and folds her hands "Its such a waste to argue with you! You would know one day. My kids would be completely like me! They would never get themselves kidnapped like you..".

He looks at her shaking his head helplessly "I hope at least one would be smarter like me..".

She gets angry and fumes pointing at him "You! Both kids would be the smartest! Like me! Do you hear me?!".

Lu Cheng laughs mocking "Smart? like what? Bringing chopper for a simple fever?". 'I would never forget that in my whole life!'.

Tang Xi twitches her lips and looks at him with creased eyebrows. She mocks him teasingly "At least I won't fight with others like a STUPID while running fever!".

Lu Cheng "...." Damn! She is sarcastic!

Tang Xi scoffs "What happened? Did you realize how stupid that was?!".

Lu Cheng smiles bitterly "I don't know why I turn into stupid when it comes to you".

He gets surprised 'She was right before! I was angry at her before..How dare she present him a suit leaving me! But I still talked to her! I wanted to ask her about it..*sigh* '.

Tang Xi darts her eyes on his face and says smiling "I Love You".

Lu Cheng who was thinking seriously before asks blankly "You what?".

Tang Xi looks at him in disbelief and shakes her head "Nothing...". 'He is such a stupid! He actually didn't hear me?! Well its all your fault! Damn! I said it for the first time and he didn't hear?'.

At last! Tianxian who was driving "..." 'Why didn't she say one more time? Chief would have gone insane!'.

The car stopped at Lu Residence. Tang Xi gets out of the car with Lu Cheng.

Before she could speak and say thanks to Tianxian, Lu Cheng lifts her in his embrace.

Tang Xi whines blushing "Cheng! What are you doing?!".

Lu Cheng walks into the house casually "I am tired! Lets get to bed early today".

Tang Xi "..." 'Shameless man! If you are tired, only you should go to bed early..Why are you dragging me too!'.



Tang Xi is reading some book leaning on the headboard. She feels something and frowns "What the-".

Lu Cheng who was sleeping in his side, is now nestling in her embrace.

Tang Xi "..." What the hell is he doing? He never did that for a long time...

She sighs and lets him do whatever he wants as she is reading some important part.

Within a minute, She gets stunned to see Lu Cheng is now almost on her!

Tang Xi gulps nervously 'Damn! He is literally over me! Well Behaved my foot! He has such a big mouth!'.

She keeps the book aside and tries to move his head from her chest. However, he starts protesting for her struggles.

Tang Xi looks at him darkly "You are smarter in your own way, aren't you?!" and lays down silently. She is about to take the book back but stops mumbling worried "I didn't say completely about my problems in pregnancy!".

Instantly, Lu Cheng asks looking her face "What?!".

Tang Xi gets startled by his sudden question and opens her eyes wide in shock.

Tang Xi ".." S***!! He was awake?! He was pretending the whole time?! How dumb I am!.

Lu Cheng asks gasping seriously "Problems in pregnancy?!".

Tang Xi really wanted to close her mouth permanently as she got caught before she think of some better excuses to convince him.

She smiles timidly "Well..Its not dire-".

Lu Cheng now sits straight and warns sternly "Dare you lie!".

Tang Xi gulps scared and doesn't know why her body started betraying her. She shivers subconsciously in nervousness.

Lu Cheng frowns seeing her and asks "Why are you afraid? You said it isn't serious, didn't you? Then why are you afraid?".

Tang Xi couldn't find right sentence to start as he completely made her blank and scared simultaneously "Its nothing serious...Doctor told me to be careful and follow her instructions...".

Lu Cheng asks earnestly "Did she suggest to abort the child?". If the doctor did....The problem should be serious..

Tang Xi is stuck in a very difficult situation and she didn't know how to handle it.

She opens her mouth to say something but stops thinking 'If I say yes, would he get mad instantly? But I can't lie too'.

Lu Cheng's face turned cold and grunts "I asked you something!!".

Tang Xi closes her eyes and says sincerely "Yes..But she also said as long as I follow her instructions it would be -".

Before she could finish, Lu Cheng gets out from the bed and walks out grabbing his mobile viciously. 'I was a fool! I only thought she would take care of the kid! I forgot that she would ignore herself for the kids too! Stupid woman! Did you thought about me at least before taking this big step?!'.

Lu Cheng felt a bad premonition of this situation and holds his head frustrated. 'Why can't I be happy at least for a day!? I was overwhelmingly happy teasing her before! But now!'.


Author "..." Well I am sorry (Heads down)..