Let me teach you because I have a big heart

Before a day.

Su Ran looks at Tang Yuhan weirdly but asks bravely "Mr.Yuhan. Can you return my things please?".

Tang Yuhan stops in his pace shocked and turns 'This girl where did she get this guts?'.

She crosses her hands and looks at him sternly "I am asking you for the last time".

He is really getting an urge to laugh 'Why is she pretending to be bold?'.

He smirks playfully "What would happen if I don't give?".

Su Ran twitches her lips "Are you giving me or not?".

Seeing him walking away towards the living room, she turns 'Should I steal it from him? Even if I stole how could I escape from him? He would sure catch me! Let me ask him one more time'.

Su Ran runs towards the way he had gone hurriedly.


She stops in her way seeing some men in the living room. 'Not again! Are they his men? Then why are they breaking things?! Sure this man pissed off someone!!'.

Tang Yuhan was sitting in a couch as if no one were before him. Su Ran gets a bad premonition of the situation and her super sensors too told her that she is in trouble.

She looks around and tries to find a place to hide.

She hides under some table and waits for them to disappear or get disappeared. However, a part of her heart is reluctant 'How can I see someone getting hurt?! HUMPH!! He is an assassin anyway why should I worry? Let me see too...How he handles the men..If things goes wrong I would call the police and mam at once. You bullied me, didn't you? Karma is really a bitch!!'.

She laughs happily and hears everything clearly.

A man orders Tang Yuhan "Mr. Ning! Where is Tang Xi ? If you tell us, we would let you go".

Tang Yuhan just yawns and asks "Why would I know? My boss told me that she is going in a long vacation. How could I tell you if I myself don't know where she is?!".

The man frowns seriously and warns in a dangerous tone "Don't play with us Mr.Ning! I am asking this to you last time!".

Tang Yuhan shrugs innocently "Why? Are you going to leave me and search her by yourself?".

The man gets angry and calls someone staring Tang Yuhan.

Su Ran gets an urge to laugh 'This man is really good at spoiling everyone's mood!! Why can't he say about mam? She would be safe in Mr.Lu's house right? He is crazy!!'.

The man orders "Come with us. Don't try to escape!".

Tang Yuhan asks blankly "Finally your boss is ready to meet me? Why are we waiting? Lets go!!".

Su Ran "..."

The men "...".

He walks towards the exit but stops at the door.

The men gets alerted and points gun at him simultaneously.

Tang Yuhan laughs "Who trained you all?! Sure some dumb **** should have!".

An another man hisses "Shut your mouth and come with us! Don't try to divert us!".

Tang Yuhan raises his hands as if he is surrendering and asks mockingly "Didn't your boss tell you to kidnap without leaving trail?".

The men looks at each other blankly and looks around the home confused.

Tang Yuhan gets frustrated and whines "Seriously?! Now I should drag the witness of your crime before you all?! Then why do you dumb***** are getting your salary?! To make the victim to do your job? Don't you think its so cruel?!".

The men looks at him puzzled as they know only Ning Yuhan would be staying in this home alone!.

Su Ran ".." *laugh* Victim my foot!! Wait!! Did he actually mean me?!

Tang Yuhan asks innocently "What?! Don't you guys believe me?! Then follow me. I will show you the witness!!".

Su Ran "...." F***!!! He is such an *******!! He wouldn't be at peace without dragging me to death!! Last time he almost dragged me from a bomb blast scene! Now he himself drags me to get kidnapped with him?! Just what is he?!.

Before she could think of a way to escape, she looks at Tang Yuhan stood before her smiling sweetly.

Su Ran grits her teeth and shakes her head helplessly.

The men gets shocked and about to grab her.

Tang Yuhan looks at them sternly and hisses "Dare you!".

Seeing his murder intent the men stops for a second.

Tang Yuhan smiles looking at Su ran and scoffs nonchalantly "What is the need to drag her when she is herself ready to come with us?!".

Su Ran looks at him in disbelief "Are you for real?!".

He forwards his hand "Lets go then. I hope we are going to have fun!".

She crosses her arms sullenly and sighs 'At least I could text from my mobile to mam when no one notices!'.

She ignores Tang Yuhan and follows them in horror. As thinking of texting itself made her shiver 'Just why should I come to see him today?! Why in the whole world I am with this insane man?! This is absurd!! I should have called mam at once!! I thought to see him suffer but I got into trouble instead of him! Let me get a good chance I would text mam no matter what!!'.

Before they get into the car, Tang Yuhan stops and pretends checking out the men seriously. He asks in disbelief "Are you guys really trained?!".

Su Ran sulks whispering "Now what?!!".

A man frowns "What the hell is your problem?! Now whom do you want to take with you!?".

Tang Yuhan crosses his hands and shakes his head in a complete disappointment "I am really getting suspicious now!! You guys hadn't had any training, had you?! If you are trained then I wish I could kick trainers ****!!".

The man points the gun and warns "Stop your bullshit and get in the car!! Now!!".

Tang Yuhan asks as if he is hurt in heart holding his chest "Do you have a brain at least?! How could you guys even survive if you don't have any?! I really pity you all".

The man looses his cool and yells stressing each words seriously "Get.in! Right.now!!".

Tang Yuhan sighs and mocks in a sad tone "Alright at least take our mobiles from us before you guys do anything! You guys seems new to this... Let me teach you because I have a big heart".

The men "...".

Su Ran "..." Big heart my ***!!