Stupid..Insane…A Clown?!

Tang Yuhan gets stunned for a second and asks in disbelief "What did you say?!".

The old man nods smiling "I want them before Lu Cheng gets more powerful".

Tang Yuhan feels his ears are failing to hear properly and asks doubtfully "Did you say you want Lu Cheng's wife's corpse?!".

The old man who was about to stand frowns "What happened? Is there any problem?".

Tang Yuhan's face is obviously tensed and says "Nothing…I was just asking". He is reluctant to raise doubts but still he couldn't help asking "But why?".

The old man looks at his wristwatch and sighs "I am getting late. We will meet once you get them both next time".

Tang Yuhan hisses "I asked you-".


He frowns and looks back hearing the sound of siren. The old man too hears and asks in disbelief "Police?!".

Tang Yuhan frowns irritated and walks towards the window cursing "Now what's with this-".

He stopped seeing Su Ran entering the villa with police and creases his eyebrows "Why is she here?".

The old man too looks outside and sighs "You sort this out. I am in hurry".

Tang Yuhan rests his hands on his hip and stares at her 'Now what is she upto? Why did she-'. He wonders suspiciously 'Did she come here for …Whatever …She just spoiled everything at right time!'.

Su Ran enters into the villa anxiously and smiles at Yuhan proudly "See! I saved you!".

However, he looks at her in disdain.

An officer informs him formally "Don't worry Mr.Yuhan. We are here to rescue you".

Tang Yuhan pretends as if he is surprised "Rescue?".

The officer nods "Yes Mr. Yuhan we have received-".

He mocks nonchalantly "If you are here just because of some insane's complaint then I apologize. I was not kidnapped".

Su Ran was the first one to react as she shouts shocked "What?!".

Tang Yuhan ignores her completely and pretends worried "If she was the one who made the complaint, then you are fooled".

The officer frowns "fooled?".

Tang Yuhan holds Su Ran and informs as if he is in pain "She is mentally disabled and always creates some mess like this".

Su Ran fumes "What are you –".

He holds her neck as if he always holds her that way and smiles seeing the officer "I just came here for a formal meeting and you already created a mess? Do you miss me that much?!".

Su Ran is struggling in his embrace and couldn't talk as he is literally strangling her.

The officer notices them and goes warning her.

However Su Ran felt defeated as he is so strong. She stands simply leaving all her protests before and asks looking at him "I am mentally disabled?".

Tang Yuhan who was looking at the officer now releases her instantly as the officer went out already.


Tang Yuhan "…"

Su Ran yelps silently as she didn't expected him to leave her suddenly. She felt humiliated and stares at him in disbelief.

Tang Yuhan asks blankly "Why are you here?".

Su Ran looks at him in anger and curses herself while standing 'Do I have a brain?! Seriously? Why am I getting myself bullied by him?!'.

Seeing her serious expression, he frowns "Did you lost your ability to hear too?".

Su Ran really had no idea how to get escaped from this embarrassed scene and looks at him "You weren't kidnapped?".

Tang Yuhan burst out in laughter seeing her grim expression "You really thought I was kidnapped? How can you be so stupid? Damn! I can't stop laughing".

Su Ran couldn't see his face anymore as her eyes are completely filled with tears.

Tang Yuhan stops laughing tired and mocks "Where do you store those tears? You are well trained in crying professionally, aren't you?!".

Su Ran wipes her tears and smiles instantly "Did you think I was crying *Hiccup* I was just acting. Now I fooled you *Hiccup* I am leaving".

She didn't wait for his reply and runs out of the villa immediately.

She knows very well that she was so dumb at rebuking him but still she still felt good. 'I got to know what he thinks of me now… Stupid..Insane…A Clown?!'.

She recalls him asking her to make him laugh and realizes that he was seeing her as a big joke ever since the start.

She hails a cab and bites her nails in anger. 'I was proved as a clown in front of the officer!'.

She couldn't help cry thinking how fast she went to the police station.

'I literally begged the officer to take him with me immediately! But what he had returned to me at last?! Mentally disabled? Insane's complaint? Tang Yuhan!! You are insane !! YOU ARE A ***************'.


Tang Yuhan stood shocked "I was fooled?".

However, he is not interested in her anymore as he got an another task.

He walks out of the villa wondering 'Why is this old junk want Tang Xi dead? Is this just because Lu Cheng? I know he wants to suppress Lu Constructions but why Tang XI?'.

He calls his assistant ( *cough* I mean his underworld assistant) "Find where is this old man going? Inform me everything" and orders sternly "Don't miss even a tiny detail".

He ends the call and rubs his forehead. He frowns and looks at his palm. He is astonished and wipes his cold sweats from his forehead. 'Damn! I should end this before everything goes out of my control'.

Seeing Tang Yuhan coming out the officer hands him a mobile "Mr. Yuhan! Here is your girlfriend's mobile which we retrieved from your car. Even though she is mentally disabled, Seems she is smart at sometimes. I wonder how she planned everything perfectly to make us believe. Seeing her anxiety, we almost came here running, tracking this mobile".

He leaves from the spot where Tang Yuhan was puzzled looking at the mobile.

'How did her mobile come into the car? I had seen her getting her mobile back from that Mr. Kidnapp-'. *clears throat* 'from that idiot'.

He remembers her poking at him before leaving and she teased him "Did she use the chance to plant her mobile in the car? She even came here tracking!".

He chuckles surprised "You are not as dumb as I thought!". He looks around and doesn't find her anywhere. 'Seems she ran away in this embarrassment'.