I would bring Miss Han back

Ananya screams in fear "Xi!!".

Lu Cheng scoops her and runs into a room telling "Call the doctor!".

Aunt Song runs to call at instant.

Ananya walks with Lu Cheng holding Tang Xi's wrist and gasps "Her pulse is normal. Still lets take her to the hospital. We don't have enough medical aids here".

Lu Cheng keeps on walking towards a room and places her on the bed. He looks at Ananya "Look after her for a minute". He walks out calling someone.

Ananya runs beside Tang Xi and holds her hand. She darts her eyes on Tang Xi's stomach and gets anxious. She holds Tang Xi's hand against her forehead and cries "Its all my fault! I should have heard Dinesh!! I should have waited for suitable time! I messed everything!".


She looks at her mobile and cries answering the call "Dinesh!".


Han's Estate.

Dinesh who was sitting facing Feng asks stunned "Sissy?! Are you crying? What happened? Did Xi dump him?".

He scoffs "Why are you crying instead of cheering her? And what do you want me to do with this guy?".

Feng who was tied in a chair grunts "Stop messing everything! Release me! Now!".

Dinesh stands slowly hearing Ananya and gasps "What?!".

Feng frowns suspiciously looking at him.

Dinesh sighs "Alright. Don't cry anymore ! Nothing bad would happen". He ends the call and looks at Feng darkly.

Feng asks worriedly "What have you done?! What bad wouldn't happen?! What did Xi do?".

Dinesh walks out ignoring him completely.

Feng yells madly "Where are you going you *******!!".


Lu Residence.

Ananya was staring shocked as the previous empty room is now completely filled with medical equipment.

She looks at Lu Cheng who was literally barging over someone in call and gulps 'He cares for Xi to this end?'.

She is literally cursing herself for her silly behavior. 'But what could I do? I didn't want to keep Xi in dark after knowing about his Ex!'.

Ananya keeps on holding Tang Xi's hand throughout the checkups and hears to the doctors' discussion keenly.

She sighs relaxed and looks at Lu Cheng darkly 'What's the need to show off your care when you are the one who slapped her to faint?!'.

However, her heart felt content seeing him actually behaving crazy while talking to the doctors. He sends of the doctors and enters the room tired.

Lu Cheng looks at the 'best friend pair' and asks "Did you tell her before coming here?".

Ananya declares "No! I myself have no idea till now".

Seeing him looking at Tang Xi, Ananya asks "Do you still hide anything from her?".

Lu Cheng just stares Tang Xi ignoring Ananya.

Ananya smiles faintly "If you care for her this much, why are you keeping her in dark?".

Seeing him silent Ananya asks "Do you think you can keep on hiding would be fine? Some day she would get to know anyway! Why are you taking risk?".

He remembers Tang Xi's words before 'Taking risks played a vital role in our relationship!'. He chuckles bitterly and asks "Will you handle hatred of your love?".

Ananya looks at him puzzled "Hatred? What do you mean?".

He stands and announces sternly "If my wife isn't allowed to know something, then no one can know that". Speaking so he walks out of the room coldly.

Ananya "..." Damn! Why does that sound so cool!! Wait! Did he just say that he still has something hidden?! F***!!.



Tang Xi is eating food and looking at Ananya coldly.

Ananya shrugs timidly "Xi! I want you to think about this".

Tang Xi sighs "I am tired of him Ananya. Don't support him! And Why are you supporting him?! I am your best friend, aren't I?!".

Ananya sits beside Tang Xi and holds her hand "Yes! You are my best friend! Do you have any doubt?! All I have to say is...We have to find what is he hiding still!? What would be the reason?!".

Tang Xi turns away "I am not interested to know anything about him! Just tell me when we are leaving? Didn't I ask you to call my brother?".

Ananya shakes her head helplessly and snorts angrily "Lu Cheng really knows you well! Now I understand why is he hiding everything!".

Tang Xi sulks "What did I do?".

Ananya explains "Xi! Everything is fair in love and war! Do you know why I am still with Karthick? Because we know each other-".

Tang Xi announces "But I know nothing about Lu Cheng! Don't compare your relationship with us Ananya! We are different!".

Ananya screams lowly "Thats what I am saying Xi! We were childhood friends! We literally grow up together..We faced every ups and downs together. But you and Lu Cheng are way opposite to us! But I really envy you..".

Tang Xi mocks "For what? Getting betrayed?".

Ananya stares Tang Xi blankly for a while as if she lost for words.

Tang Xi smiles "Ananya-".

Ananya asks wondering "Have you changed?".

Tang Xi "..." What ?!

Ananya folds her hands judging and scoffs "As far as I know you would handle everything practically! Why are you behaving as damsel in distress?! You are not this!".

Tang Xi tries to rebuke but Ananya starts speaking leaving no space for Tang Xi to talk "Yes! you have turned insane in his love, haven't you? I am explaining you for an whole hour to find Lu Cheng's secret but you are still talking about leaving him!? What's the difference between you and Rouxi?!".

Tang Xi's every struggle stopped at this moment and looks at Ananya stunned.

Ananya mocks "If I were Lu Cheng, I would have thrown you out of this house!".

Tang Xi pouts wronged and fumes "Don't compare me with her-".

Ananya chuckles "Now you know how it feels? Then tell me what if you meet Mu Hao now and he asks to marry you? Will you say yes?".

Tang Xi gasps in disbelief "Ananya! Why are you blabbering ...like anything?".

Ananya shrugs "You are hating both Lu Cheng and Mu Hao-".

Tang Xi declares "Both are not same Ananya! Watch your words!".

Ananya frowns seriously "Then I will do one thing. I would bring Miss Han back and ask her to marry Lu Cheng!".

Tang Xi is about to rebuke but stops sighing frustrated.