The Queen of stubborness

Lu Cheng scoops her in next moment as if he was anticipating for this and asks "How about rewarding me?".

Tang Xi looks at him in disbelief "..." Stupid me! He knows how to coax me!

She mocks him "Letting you into this room itself is a great reward for you Cheng!".

He places her on the bed and hops on the next side of the bed happily.

Tang Xi "..." Why is he behaving completely opposite to his previous behavior?!You slapped me! You even forgot that you lied me?! And you want rewards too?! Then dream on!.

She smirks and places a pillow between them and closes her eyes hugging it.

Lu Cheng who was busy pulling the blanket, frowns seeing the pillow in her embrace and looks at her darkly. 'Damn! Why is she hugging this sh** instead of me?!'.

He looks at her wronged "Wifey?".

She opens her eyes lightly and announces "Stop playing around. I want to get some sleep". 'Shameless man! You already forgot what you have done!? *sigh*'.

He looks at her in disbelief "Why did you replace my space?!".

Tang Xi looks at him shocked "..." I replaced his space?!

She looks at the pillow and fumes 'He is shameless!!'. She throws the pillow and shouts "Get lost! After doing everything, you are still blaming me?! I said get out!".

Lu Cheng chuckles seeing her smacking with those soft pillows and pulls her in his embrace "Stop tiring yourself kitten!!'.

Tang Xi closes her eyes tight in his embrace as she too doesn't know why is she doing all this..But she stays in his embrace without struggling.

Lu Cheng was expecting for her to push him at least but looks at her puzzled "What happened?".

Tang Xi pouts hiding her face in his embrace "Stop messing around everything Cheng! I really couldn't handle all this!! It hurts ...a lot".

Lu Cheng gets sad and holds her head caressing. He sighs "I don't want to show you some dark pages of my life. Can't you let them be. Can't you accept me with my secrets?".

Tang Xi pushes him fuming "You won't change! I am going to sleep!". She tosses and tries to take her mobile.

Lu Cheng takes the headphones declaring "Lets hear some songs!".

Tang Xi looks at him in disbelief and mutters "Idiot!".

He snatches her mobile and plugs in the earphones eagerly.

She scoffs "Why don't you hear any other songs from YOUR mobile?".

Lu Cheng coughs awkwardly "Huh? I don't have any songs in it!". 'Of course I have to know what songs you like...and those lyrics...Last time they really startled me! I am really impressed and addicted to the lyrics than musics...'.

He plays some song randomly and declares smiling "This time you would translate me those lyrics!".

She looks at him darkly "I wouldn't and I am not interested -".

Lu Cheng makes her wear the earphone and is about to remove the pillow between them.

But Tang Xi hold it tight "Let it be!".

He gets silent hearing the song started to play and Tang Xi frowns "Change the song!".

Lu Cheng frowns "Why?".

She ignores him and changes the song.

Lu Cheng feels something was off and stays silent until she sleeps.

Seeing her slept, Lu Cheng sits sneakily and searches for that song again. He plays the song and looks at the meanings.


From within my eyes...Nudging my cheeks..

I wonder...where did you go..

Oh my tears (My Love)...Oh my tears...


Leaving the skies...Touching my soul..(as rain)

You came by yourself..

Oh my tears...Oh my tears..


You poured down as Rain before..

Now you are standing as a wrong thing( in wrong side)..

My girl..


You felt as a music before..And a cold whip now....

You are killing me girl...


What would you do to me yet? ( How much pain you will give me?)

Would I be buried... within your eyes?

(You have become) With no compassion...

Would I ever regenerate again in your heart?


My heart withers slice by slice..

It is still you inside me..

My thoughts are scattering strand by strand...

But you have scarred (scratched brutally) my entire heart...


In a secluded world, I want to live for you..

Where ( in that world) you will be my only alliance..

You looked like a beautiful sky that will blossom everywhere...


I felt that your eyes were mine from now on..

I lived my life like it belonged to you..

But you left the blink of an eye..


I was lying down as a corpse peacefully..

Why did you woke me up to kill me again?!

The one who was loving me in my dreams...despises me in reality now...

I wander like someone unknown...wondering where is the love that blossomed between ou....


Lu Cheng sighs smiling "Her playlists always amazes me..".

He tries to take the pillow away from her sneakily. But he gets sad "I wish you realize and correct your mistake before things get complicated".

He too sleeps....

Next Day.

Tang Xi wakes up and looks at the time yawning. She sits shocked looking the empty bedside 'I am always waking late' and gets down from the bed. She goes to freshen up hurriedly.

Tang Xi comes down and looks at Han Rouxi eating her breakfast. She subconsciously looks for Lu Cheng around and gasps feeling a hand around her shoulder.

"Lets have breakfast" Lu Cheng smiles and asks whispering "Were you searching me?".

Tang Xi rolls her eyes and smiles winking "Actually yes...I was searching you to say something".

Lu Cheng asks earnestly "Finally! Tell me what is it?!".

Tang Xi folds her hands "I am going to the airport. Ananya is returning today".

Lu Cheng's bright smile fell at instant and asks in disbelief "You wanted to say this...".

Tang Xi pinches his cheek cutely "I will leave in an hour and don't wait for me. I would late as we planned to go on some shoppings".

She walks to the kitchen smirking 'If you are stubborn then I am The Queen of stubborness..Baby!'.