I am not a coward!

Su Ran looks at Tang Xi's face completely pale and lost her every reaction except the worry. She asks frowning "Mam...Are you okay?".

Tang Xi looks away and says "I am okay...". 'Why am I regretting my every decisions recently? Have I really become dumb? I never lost my cool or brain until I met Cheng.....'.

She frowns looking outside and looks at the driver suspiciously. 'Why is he going back to the city?!'.

Tang Xi looks at Su Ran and ushers mouthing "Turn around".

Su Ran frowns "But mam-". What is she upto? And why is she doing this weird gestures?.

Tang Xi says checking the driver "I need to think Su Ran...Just leave me alone".

Su Ran senses something fishy but nods understanding "Yes Mam..". She turns deciding to leave Tang Xi alone for sometimes as she doesn't wanna stress her a lot.

Tang Xi gets alert and looks around for something. She still glances the driver whether he got alert or not.

She recalls last time Lu Cheng's Bentley had a secret gun compartment above the driver seat and searches cautiously.

She looks at a button under the seat and gasps shocked. She was anxious before thinking whether she would get a weapon at least for safety.

But after seeing the button she gets scared 'Now what should I do?! If I point the gun at him there will be high chances of getting an accident and I am not taking the risk! I should get rid of this driver..but I can't kill him...Need to think of a way to leave him behind...'.

She presses the button while asking "Su Ran? Didn't you want to see a movie before?".

Su Ran gets stunned recalling her movie plan and screams "OH MY GOD!! How did I forget?! However..I can't see the movie anymore !!".

Tang Xi smirks darkly and asks the driver "Can you take us to a theatre?".

The driver coughs "Miss.." Damn! I was told to bring her to boss without letting her know and where did she think of this trash idea?!.

Su Ran gets astonished 'Is she thinking to take me to the movies even in this condition?! Mam! I just love you!' and stammers emotionally "Mam! You...are...sooo good!!".

Tang Xi purses her lips 'I wish you don't build castles in your mind. As I am using this as excuse to divert him!' and says "Stop the car. I feel nauseous".

The driver stops the car "Yes Miss!".

Tang Xi takes out the gun and points at the driver's head.

The driver gets shocked ".." Where did she get this gun from?!

Su Ran was the most shocked one as she was searching for tissue to hand Tang Xi. She doesn't wanna mess this car too as they have no other options to chnge the car for now,

Su Ran stammers "M...Mam...What..". 'Did she turn insane? She must have...Poor mam!'.

Tang Xi declares sternly "Give me your mobile!".

The driver says "Miss...What are you doing?!".

Su Ran tries to persuade "Mam..please put the gun down..I-I know..you are upset..but you can't threaten others to get relief right?".

Tang Xi "..." Is she calling me as insane?!.

Su Ran smiles helplessly seeing Tang Xi's face turned stern "Mam..Could you please-". put that gun down and listen?.

Tang Xi smiles coldly "Su Ran..Don't you realize that he is abducting us again into the city?!".

Su Ran frowns and turns looking around. She opens her mouth in shock and gasps "This..".

Tang Xi grits her teeth and nudges the driver's neck hard "Hand me the mobile!".

The driver gulps scared and stammers "Miss..I think you have mistake-".

Su Ran creases her eyebrows seriously9 "I will find where you have hidden it!".


She is about to search but the ringing sound of the mobile makes everyone to startle for a second.

Su Ran grabs mobile near his leg and hands it to Tang Xi "Mam! Here's his mobile!".

Tang Xi frowns seeing the number and attends the call.

"How long would you take to make them unconscious?! And what the heck you are doing till now?!".

Tang Xi gets angry recognizing the voice and records the call.

Without waiing for a reply, Han Ron orders "I want that girl in Han Estate within 30 minutes! Better reach in time if you wanna live!".


The call gets ended and Tang Xi grits her teeth saving the recording. 'I will show your right place in OUR LIFE!'.

She asks coldly "What was your plan to make us unconscious?!".

The driver is drenched with cold sweats 'Boss said she would be some dumb girl to kidnap but she doesn't seem so! How should I escape fom this bitch now! What if she kills me in her so called depression?!'.


Tang Xi hits his head by the gun and makes him unconscious. She has enough to deal with already. She doesn't like begging someone!.

Su Ran "...". Why does she look like a professional kidnapper now?!.

Tang Xi gets out from the car saying "Let's get him out! Fast!".

Su Ran gets out hurriedly and whispers "Mam! Do you know where is your..huh..brother's place?!".

Tang Xi opens the driver's seat door and pulls him out with Su Ran's help.

They tosses him on the road and looks at each other. "What next?!".

Hearing Su Ran's question Tang Xi bites her lower lip "How could I find the place all by myself?!".

Su Ran to thinks and says "Let's get out of the city at least!". I have promised boss that I would try my best in saving mam...

Tang Xi nods "You are right! Let's go!". I shouldn't spoil Yuhan's plan too. If I get caught, Yuhan might become weak ..I can't be his weakness!.

Tang Xi drives fast and gets a call.


She is stoned to see the number and shuts her mouth tight. 'Now what is he gonna say?! He is just making me crazy!".

Tang Xi still thinks something and attends the call "Yes Mr.Han!".

The other end remained silent for a half a minute.

Tang Xi too waits patiently to him to continue speaking as she started the recording of call and smirks 'I will see what he does when I make my move! What if you are influential? I not a coward!'.