Lu Cheng's Birthday

Private Villa.

Tang Xi looks at some men standing before the villa who were sent by Tang Yuhan for her safety. She looks back at the Villa and the garden smilingly.

She is really impressed by the garden and is about walk towards the garden but takes a look at the time.

'Its late already..if I start going for a walk now, I won't have time to plan and implement...'.

She smiles thinking 'So what? I will go for a walk with birthday baby later!'.

She mumbles proudly "It's great that I have already sent everything to private villa asking Aunt Song".

She gets thoughts of Aunt Song and sighs "Yuhan wanted to meet Aunt Song..". She calls Lu Residence's landline.


Tang Xi speaks hearing Aunt Song's voice "Aunt Song?".

Aunt Song speaks almost whispering and seems she is both surprised and worried "Tang Xi?! Is it really you?! Are you safe?!".

Tang Xi nods "Yes Aunt Song. I am safe and you.. what's happening? Why do you sound-".


Tang Xi gets shocked hearing the breaking sound of glass or something and gasps "Aunt..Aunt Song?".


Aunt Song whispers in fear "Tang Xi! Young Master ..seems he is worried about you! Let me tell him-".

Tang Xi gulps hearing Lu Cheng's growling and stammers "No! No..I mean ....". She looks around the room and says "Let him know after an hour..".

Aunt Song whines "But Tang Xi!-".

Tang Xi assures "It's okay Aunt Song! I will take care of him just make sure he reaches here in an hour-".

Aunt Song sulks "Here? Where?! Where are you?! How would I know-".

Tang Xi announces "I am in Private Villa and for your kind information you have completely forgot to notice the number!".

Aunt Song looks at the number and rubs her forehead "I don't know what to do and when will get retired from seeing you two breaking things!".

Tang Xi smiles and ushers "Alright Aunt Song! I have to hurry my preparations! Bye!".


Aunt Song blinks blankly "Preparations?! Of what?". She keeps the phone and runs upstairs to clear the mess.

She recalls Tang Xi's plans and stops realizing today's date "Young Master's Birthday?!".

Aunt Song opens the door and cries in heart 'Why do these rich people break such costly antique vases?!'.

She looks at Lu Cheng sitting in a chair and staring at his laptop. She gets thinking 'Should I say....'.


Lu Cheng throws the trophies beside his table and curses "I don't know why is he after me?! I swear I would kill him when he comes in front of me!".

Aunt Song gets scared and starts to clean the mess silently.

Lu Cheng notices Aunt Song's presence and continues to work on his laptop.

He frowns and notices Aunt Song's shivering hand. He stops typing and creases his eyebrows "What are you doing?".


Aunt Song drops everything in her hands and stammers "No..Nothing Young Master!!".

Lu Cheng senses something wrong and stands slowly "Then why are you nervous?".

Aunt Song stammers "I ..I am not..".

Lu Cheng looks at her mockingly "Do you think even you can hide anything from me?!".

Aunt Song looks at him scared.

Lu Cheng sighs seeing her scared "I sorry ..I was just worried about Tang Xi..I am sorry if I scared you..".

Aunt Song completely forgets everything and says earnestly "But Young Miss is safe! You don't have to worry!-".

Lu Cheng who was looking away but turns slowly looking Aunt Song "Safe?!".

Aunt Song "..." How did ...Why did I do this? Did I do something wrong?!.

Lu Cheng asks seriously "How do you know? Wait! Do you know where she is?!".

Seeing her so shocked, Lu Cheng forces her "Aunt Song! I am asking you something tell me where is Tang Xi if you know!".

Aunt Song gasps "She... called the landline from -".

Lu Cheng gets stunned for a second "She called?!" and runs downstairs to check without waiting for her.

He checks the received calls list and thinks seriously however as soon as he saw the number, he gets even more shocked "Private villa?!".

He frowns suspiciously "She is in Private Villa?! How?! And why?!".

He gets suspicious and dials the landline number of Private Villa as he doesn't want to get trapped if it's a fake information. He holds the phone tight in anticipation as if it's a real information....he has to leave the issues in his shares just to see Tang Xi!.

He wouldn't be rest assured until he sees her.

"Hello? Aunt Song?".

Lu Cheng stops thinking for a second and even breathing.

"Aunt Song? Why are you silent?".

Lu Cheng ends the call and lets out a deep breath. He looks at his study room contemplating something and looks down defeated. As if he can't help taking this decision....if it was before meeting Tang Xi..he would have chosen to work in his decreasing shares but now...

He turnarounds and walks still contemplating 'I don't know why am I choosing to see her even after knowing that she is safe! I could even send some if my men to her safety and go after sorting out this issues! But..I ....'.

He increases his pace and gets into his car.

For last few hours he has been working so hard to save his shares but to the complete contrast he left everything behind just to ..see her!.

Seems he doesn't care least till he sees Tang Xi..Wait! Dejavu!!! Yep! He has already in this phase when he was searching for her before few months...

He doesn't even got angered in that heavy traffic just because he is going to see Tang Xi.



Lu Cheng stops the car before the Private Villa and gets out hurriedly.

He walks into the villa without waiting for a second.


Lu Cheng stops at the doorstep and frowns looking upwards.

He looks at the balloons and decorations around the living room. He looks in disbelief "In one side I am searching for her and solving every f****ing shits! And here she goes...doing stupid things!".

He twitches his lips seeing the balloons on the floor "She is crazy!".

He ignores everything and starts searching her. However, he stops his phase as his got caught of a photo framed on the wall.