Lu Cheng's Birthday (3)

Tang Xi gasps worried "What are you saying Yuhan?!".


She gets scared hearing the sound and looks at Yuhan "The sound..".

Tang Yuhan frowns "But no one is allowed into the villa till tomorrow expect Lu Cheng! I have instructed my men!".

Tang Xi gets suspicious and locks the kitchen door hurriedly "Contact your men and tell me what's happening!".

Tang Yuhan nods and calls his men "Who entered the villa?".

He gets silent hearing their answer and looks at Tang Xi who is looking at him anticipating.

Tang Yuhan says "He is here..".

Tang Xi gasps stunned "He? Han Ron? How-".

Tang Yuhan declares "Lu Cheng little sister! It's Lu Cheng..He is there".

Tang Xi gets silent and asks in disbelief "Wait! Why would he be here?!".She holds her head confused and irked "I've told Aunt Song clearly that she should tell him after an hour! That way it would be almost 1 A.M and he wouldn't have any idea of this surprise! He isn't supposed to be here at this time!".

Tang Yuhan looks at her teasingly "Don't tell me you are unhappy".

Tang Xi looks at him in disbelief "Of course I am not happy as he ruined my plans completely! I didn't even consolidate my points-".

She gets silent suddenly realizing something and curses "F***!! I am finished today!!".

Tang Yuhan tries to calm her "Tang Xi. You are exaggerating things! So what he came early?! Just prepone your plans that's it! And Fortunately its just few minutes for 12! Your 'cake' is ready anyway-".

Tang Xi grits her teeth in anger hearing his taunts and whispers sulking "Its not about the cake Yuhan! Its about The notes! If he sees them....".

Tang Yuhan asks doubtfully "What?! What's in it?".

Tang Xi closes her eyes "Something that would make him really really mad!".

Tang Yuhan guesses and asks earnestly "Did you mention anything about Han Ron's conspiracy?! I did warn you before not to drag that guy-".

She shakes her head mumbling "Why would I ruin our mood by taking his name?!".

Tang Yuhan "..." Then what did she mention other than Han Ron?!.

She walks towards the door of the kitchen and takes a deep breath "All I have to do is...just hide the notes from him!".

She recalls the divorce papers incident before and takes a resolution "I shouldn't mess this time!".

She opens the door and screams scared seeing someone "Ahh!".

Lu Cheng to gets scared by her sudden scream and holds her concerned "Wifey! It's me!".

Tang Xi gets out from the shock and senses Lu Cheng's scent. It took few seconds for her to realize that she is in Lu Cheng's embrace.

She twitches her lips embarrassed 'Why am I so dumb?! I knew only he is in the home and why did I just scream?! May be I was scared to see him! What if he read them already?!'.

Lu Cheng mocks "Do you even get scared? Of me?! Seriously?!".

Tang Xi gets away from him and says "You scared me..".

Lu Cheng chuckles seeing her messy hair bun and looks at her from head to toe "Why do you a servant...actually a messy servant?!".

Tang Xi looks at herself and realizes 'Holy Sh**!! I thought of taking a bath before he reaches here and even planned to wear that maroon gown! But I am...stinking.. Even..look ugly?! Argh! Never mind!'.

She pouts disappointed "Because I-" and notices his suit. She opens her eyes wide and gasps looking at him "This suit!".

He smiles beamingly and asks proudly "Am I looking handsome?!".

Tang Xi is about to nod and she is really mesmerized by his look. 'I never thought this maroon suit will look great on him!'.

"The suit isn't better than mine!!".

Both gets startled by Tang Yuhan's sudden comment.

Tang Xi "..." Is he still on call?!.

Lu Cheng "..." Who the hell is that?!.

Tang Yuhan smirks "Little sister! You have chosen me a better suit than your husband! Sooo nice of you!".

Tang Xi "..." And here he goes again!! To ruin everything! But I won't let this happen ! Not today at least!.

Lu Cheng recalls Tang Xi bought a suit for Tang Yuhan before and asks "Why am I getting this suit late? Did you really plan to humiliate me in front of him?!".

He smirks at Tang Yuhan immediately without waiting for Tang Xi's reply as if he completely doesn't care for her justification "By the way the stupid blue suit wasn't better than mine! Actually you deserve that dumb colour!".

Tang Yuhan raises his eyebrows and chuckles "Colour doesn't matter Lu Cheng! Only priority matters! Don't forget she presented me way before my brother-in-law!".

Lu Cheng "..." Brother-in-law my foot!!

Tang Xi "..." Why is he after my life?! Does he really want Lu Cheng to get mad at me?! And Brother-in-law?! Aww! My assassin brother is turning so emotional!".

Tang Yuhan himself gets silent awkwardly as he didn't expect that he would himself call Lu Cheng as his brother-in-law!.

Meanwhile, Lu Cheng is somewhat feeling very strange more than awkward and doesn't know why he is feeling good. 'Never imagined one day one of my worst enemies would call me that! Not even in my crazy dreams!'.

Tang Xi looks at them and declares "Alright! Its time!" and walks towards her mobile pointing at Yuhan "You better 'sort' the thing and don't make anything worse for me! And don't forget to inform me once everything gets fine".

She looks at Lu Cheng sneakily and whispers lowly at Yuhan "I don't know what is your plan! But do something soon to return those shares back to Lu Cheng before he misunderstands everything!".

Tang Yuhan smirks "Why would I do that? Just because I am your brother? I can't leave my revenge plan half way!".

Tang Xi hisses "Revenge my foot! Yuhan!".

Tang Yuhan snorts "What could you even do if I decide to keep the shares-".

Tang Xi too smirks mockingly "I think you just forgot something very important that the whole shares...." and continues after pausing for few seconds "Is still with me. You didn't got the company shares from me! Even now...Tang Corps and every shares belongs to me Big B!".