Someone's face turned ugly!

Su Ran is watching her movie eagerly by completely ignoring Tang Yuhan who had exited the theater within few minutes when the movie started.

She has no time to even care about his absence as she doesn't wanna miss the good opportunity to keep herself happy and 'stress free' for at least an hour. She really couldn't miss the great moment which Tang Yuhan allowed her to 'enjoy'.

'What if he really planned so much of works for me once I finish watching this movie?! Let him go to hell and enjoy my moment!'.

Tang Yuhan is sitting in his car and his face is filled with complicated expression as he still has to get rid of Han Ron.

He sat thinking seriously for the whole time until Su Ran came finished watching the movie.

She was searching for him before and stops near the car seeing him 'sleeping' and twitches her lips. 'He shouldn't have bought the ticket if he really doesn't want to watch the movie..But...He behaved well..Just made me seated comfortably and came after the movie started....'.

She smiles and knocks the window.

Tang Yuhan opens his eyes and sees Su Ran waving her hand smiling brightly. She walks towards the co-pilot seat and sits beaming.

He asks "Shall we go then?".

She nods enthusiastically "Yes Boss!".

He smiles 'As if I doubled her the salary....Stupid girl! She is so easy to impress..Just a movie ...and I let her to see alone! Even then she is so happy?'.

He starts driving calmly. For some reason his worries started to decrease at least few percent.

Su Ran looks at the time and asks "Shouldn't we buying Mr.Lu's shares by now? Why are you-".

Tang Yuhan smirks "I don't want him go bankrupt in a single night!".

Su Ran frowns "But still...His shares are almost bought and due to this sudden change, he would definitely get bankrupted-".

Tang Yuhan says nonchalantly "That will never happen".

Su Ran looks at him and disagrees "No Boss...It would! Don't you know? His every shares in Lu Constructions-".

Tang Yuhan declares "I am not an idiot and Lu Cheng isn't this incapable to let me buy the shares".

Su Ran frowns utterly confused "What do you mean?".

He explains her "Till now he just let me buy his shares silently and that's where something is fishy".

She asks " are saying that Mr. Lu is upto something?".

Tang Yuhan nods "If he laid out a trap somewhere, we should make sure not to get into it".

She frowns still doubtfully "But everything is happening very fluidly and there is no way that he could buy his shares back unless-" and looks at Tang Yuhan worried.

Tang Yuhan stops the car shocked and looks at her "Someone's support ....financially".

Su Ran asks "Does he has any underworld connections like you?".

Tang Yuhan mumbles seriously "But why is he not involving in this personally? He should have reacted brutally after seeing Han Ron's condition".

Su Ran bites her nails nervously and looks at him thinking so seriously. She shrugs blankly "May be..he doesn't want to involve in this in future? After all he is a family man now! Yes Boss! It makes sense! He cares for Tang Xi and really wants to live peacefully! See? He even allowed you to buy his every shares and also forgot your misbehavior with Han Ron! He should have realized-".

Tang Yuhan looks at her doubtfully "Allowed me to buy?!-".

Su Ran shrugs blankly and says "Yeah..You told before that he would always react. If he is silent then doesn't that mean...he is allowing you to do so?".

Tang Yuhan rubs his neck and starts the car thinking something. 'Let me check if he is really letting me to do everything purposely....If his intention is that...why is he doing that?! What is he upto this time? Is he planning to go bankrupt and live a simple life with Little sister?'.

He in a split second laughs thinking of the idea "He would rather die!".

Su Ran blinks confused and still shuts her mouth 'May be ...I should shut my mouth until I speak about resignation to Tang Xi? Why would I let him mock me?'.

She asks hesitantly "When can we meet Tang Xi?".

Tang Yuhan scoffs "People will forget even the world when they are in love...Why would she remember us in her HUSBAND'S birthday?!".

Su Ran sighs "Yeah..That makes sense-".


Tang Yuhan ".....". Tang Xi?!

Su Ran laughs at instant seeing the caller ID "...." Someone's face turned ugly!! HAAA HAAA!!!


Before few hours.

Tang Xi wakes up feeling something in her feet and sits holding her leg "What-" the heck!.

She looks at Lu Cheng holding her feet and asks alerted "What are you doing?!".

He asks looking at her feet seriously "They're swollen!".

She scratches her head and says helplessly "Phew! Cheng! I thought something serious happened! It's fine ...its common-".

He declares "You were stressing yourself yesterday!".

She smiles "Not at all! I have planned everything before and I only made the cake yesterday-".

He asks "Was it your first time?".

She frowns blankly and asks "What's it do with this?".

He asks still in a declaring tone "Answer me! How long you took to bake it and how many times you have spoiled them before getting it good?!".

She gulps seeing his serious face and whines "What's wrong with you? Can't you appreciate?! It was my first surprise for you and you are blaming me in return instead of....You know what ?! Forget it!".

She swats his hands off her feet and tries to stand.

Lu Cheng smiles seeing her sullen face and holds her wrist "Alright! I am sorry".

Tang Xi announces irritated "Fine! Let me go-".

He pulls her back to bed and orders "Stay still".

She looks at him smugly "Why should I? Just because it's your birthday today?!".

Lu Cheng is busy searching something from his bedside table drawer and comes with a bottle in his hand.

Tang Xi frowns suspiciously "What's that?".

Lu Cheng sits holding both of her feet and says "Oil to massage. You will get fine once you get massaged ".

Tang Xi looks at Lu Cheng strangely 'I know he is caring but....he never bought something personally'. She asks mockingly "Are you going to massage my feet personally? Seriously?!". 'Yuhan is after him and he is talking bull****!!'.