The First Kick!

Soon a guy comes running out of nowhere and reports " Chief! There is no issue around the Villa and everything is under control. Only a courier got into the Villa from Tang Corps and we checked it. No metal in it. Everything is normal and Mrs. Lu is in the garden now ..walking..".

Lu Cheng looks at the display of a laptop in the man's hand and smiles 'She is following everything...'.

He nods and gets into his car and drives looking at the men guarding randomly, making sure that everything is fine.

'Dad is planning to kill Knight! '.

Lu Cheng twitches his lips recalling Han Rouxi's words "As if he would welcome him....I wounder why was he helping others to kill me 3 years ago but his men never pulled a trigger at me fatally even though they had a great chance to kill me ...What were Knight's plans?".

'I am watching you all silently all these years... I f******* knew what's happening around me all this while..I just want to catch their secrets and hit them after knowing their motives!'.

'I never loose my cool unless its about Tang Xi...But why did he let Han Ron into Tang Villa?! Is that a trap or Did Knight become weaker now?!'.


Knight's base.

Su Ran is blushing hard and sitting facing Tang Yuhan, who is completely occupied reading a file.

She lets out a deep breath 'Thank god..He got an important call while we were 'playing' and My Goodness! What was he saying before?!'.

Noticing her stealing glances at him, Tang Yuhan tosses his file before her "What is it?".

Su Ran shakes her head ".." Should I ask? Whether he is still... You know what...

She takes some files and stands to go away.


Tang Yuhan and Su Ran gets shocked.

Before Su Ran could realize, she was already in Tang Yuhan's embrace and they were lying down.

She feels something in her hand and frowns.

Only to get shocked seeing blood!.

She gasps and darts her eyes on her body 'Did I get shot?!'.

She gets stunned as she doesn't feel any pain and looks at Tang Yuhan wondering. 'Is he?'.

Before she could check at him, he pushes her under a table and warns "Stay there and shut that mouth. Try stop breathing even if you can. But no noise should come from you! Get that?!".

Su Ran almost freaked out, seeing the back of his shirt is completely drenched by blood 'How many shots did he get?!'.

She sees Tang Yuhan manages to reach his table and starts putting on some Bluetooth device..she doesn't know what he is upto but 'Damn! He is not at all freaking out! He is looking as if thrashed with a bucket of blood all over him!!'.

Tang Yuhan tries to connect with his men but its too late!.

For some reasons, Su Ran couldn't see him and even thinking of his death! 'Hell no! Not now!'.

Tang Yuhan was about to walk out of the room and stops for a second. He looks at her panicking and gestures her 'Shut your mouth!'.

Su Ran's eyes started pouring tears 'A******! He is threatening instead of comforting! Hell with this assassin! But I am not letting him bleed like this! If he did..he would DIE!!'.


She is about to come out but stops hearing the sound which was freezing...

Tang Yuhan fell on his office table breaking the table and shattering all the papers!.

Su Ran gulps in horror and looks at the door fell broken.

Few men are entering and Su Ran recognized them at instant 'Young Masters of Mo clan ..Li clan..and Han Ron?'.

She looks at Tang Yuhan pitifully 'Oh Man! Please don't tell me you don't have any backup!'.


Private Villa.

Tang Xi stops at the doorstep to find something. She pouts "Did he drop it before going? But I didn't see that before going for a walk...".

She tries to bend but instead sits in the steps tired. She takes it in her hand and raises her eyebrows "From Tang Corps?".

She frowns thinking "Did Yuhan sent this? But..May be about buying Han Ron's shares? Or some secret files to keep it safe??..".


She hears the horn sound and looks ahead. She smiles shaking her head "It took hours for him to buy one book!".

She looks down to open the file.


She gets irked "What's wrong with him?!".

She looks at the damage behind the car while he was turning and gets shocked. 'Did he met with some accident while returning?! Is he hurt?!'.

Before she could step down, Lu Cheng stopped his car far away as he doesn't want her to see the damaged car and panic.

He takes the book from the passenger seat and frowns seeing Tang Xi with worried face.

He runs to avoid her walking all the way to him and asks "What's wrong? Are you hurt?".

She asks checking him "Are YOU hurt?!".

He looks her dumbfounded 'She already noticed the car! Damn! Her observations ...I should be very careful around her in future'.

She slaps his chest as she has already assured that he was not hurt "What happened?!".

He holds her shoulder and walks towards the Villa "Some drunken woman bumped into my car!".

She sighs and asks worriedly "Was it serious? Is she okay?".

He shrugs innocently "Why would I care? Thank me I didn't sue her for messing with me!".

She tugs him frowning "Be a human Cheng! It's just an accident! Is she fine?!".

He answers nonchalantly "She is not injured!".

Tang Xi lets out a breath in relief and gets excited seeing the book in his hand.


She whimpers feeling something in her stomach.

Lu Cheng drops the book and the keys instantly to hold Tang Xi "Tang Xi!".

She clutches his shirt hard closing her eyes and feels difficulty to breath yet couldn't process what is happening until she felt the sharp pain again.

Lu Cheng's heart beat almost stopped seeing her and gasps worried "What happened? Are you okay?!-".

She suddenly laughs weakly opening her eyes which were completely filled with tears.

Lu Cheng couldn't hold his fear anymore and lifts her "I will call the doctor at once-".

She gasps "He kicked!".