I never break my promise!

Lu Cheng curses while a nurse tying him the bandage in his hand.

'I should have been careful! What would I say if Tang Xi asks? Sh**! This guy is a troublesome'.

He stands after the nurse finishes her work and walks out to see only Tianxian standing nervously.

Lu Cheng narrows his eyebrows and asks sternly "How did he get the car?!".

Tianxian gulps "..." Didn't he forget that yet?! Seriously?! Two lives are struggling for their life and he is after this?! If I told him...then I would be fired!

Lu Cheng sneers "If anything goes against my plan from now on, you will pay for the consequences! Do you get that? ".

Tianxian nods "Yes Chief!".

Lu Cheng turns to leave but stops. He says in a serious tone "No one enters in this whole ward and I would be informed if anyone tried to intrude or meet Knig...him".

Tianxian lets out a relaxed breath "Yes Chief! ".

Lu Cheng looks at the door in which Tang Yuhan is getting treated and frowns for a second.

'Should I bring Tang Xi? *sigh* Let his condition get stabilized..'.

He walks out hurriedly as he desperately wants to meet Tang Xi. Finally, his insecurities about himself are melting after saving both Tang Yuhan and Su Ran.

He always thought his selfish attitude was not enough to stand near Tang Xi. Today he is very happy and for unknown reason. He felt an urge to share everything to her. Immediately.

But poor him, couldn't share this for now as Tang Xi would instantly get a panic attack seeing ger brother's condition.

'Not now wifey..But I promise to tell you everything soon '.

He smiles and looks at the injury he got before.

'Why do I feel like...suddenly I got alive in my life? Is this what Tang Xi felt while saving me and Jing? Nah! I saved them ...may be I have selfish reasons behind this..but Tang Xi. .. How could you do this ..to everyone?!'.


Private Villa.

Tang Xi gets out from the bathroom after a bath and looks around the room eagerly. She twitches her lips "Did he get angry at me because I didn't stop him yesterday? Where the hell is he now?!".

She takes her mobile and smirks "Its time to be his strict wifey!".

She holds her head high dramatically and calls Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng answers chuckling "Missing me? Already?".

Tang Xi "..." I knew I can't stand near him in his flirting!.

She scoffs blushing "I was calling ?..Ananya..but-".

Lu Cheng smirks "Oh? Really? When did she change her name?! Her name should've been at first in the contact list and mine should be exactly in the opposite. So tell me Wifey! Do you wanna argue more?!".

Tang Xi closes her eyes and shakes her head " I shouldn't have called you! I am hang-".

Lu Cheng laughs heartily and asks "What's you favourite colour Wifey?".

Tang Xi stops before ending the call and frowns smiling "Why?".

He smiles "Bad manners. One should answer for a question instead of asking back".

She bites her lower lips "What are you upto?".

He sighs "Alright! I surrender! I thought to buy some flowers so.. will you tell me now?".

She smirks proudly "Black!".

Lu Cheng slams on the brake and spat "Black?!".

She chuckles "What? Isn't that a colour?".

Lu Cheng clears his throat awkwardly 'Where am I supposed to bring her favourite coloured flower-'.

He smirks thinking something and asks driving again "And favourite flower?".

Tang Xi looks the mobile frowning 'He will not admit his defeat easily, will he?!'.

She smiles sweetly "Rose!".

Lu Cheng clears his throat awkwardly 'Is she deliberately teasing me?!' and asks "Favourite place?".

She smiles sitting on the bed "A lonely beach".

He asks slowly "Why a lonely beach?".

'Because she used to go alone?'.

She smiles "I don't find a reason to like something. I just like it".

He smiles shaking his head "Favourite country?".

She rolls her eyes "Of course India! They gave me a lot...".

'This place snatched many of my loved ones from me....'

He sighs nodding and asks in a serious tone "A villa or a small home".

She sighs in a daze "Just a place with family".

'If it was before I would have chosen a small home..but I know..I couldn't dream that where Lu Cheng would have to compromise his dreams...'.

He bites his lip and asks "A busy day with our kids or a romantic date with your husband?".

She giggles and answers instantly "A 'peaceful' picnic!". Intentionally stressing the word peaceful.

Lu Cheng sighs defeated and asks seriously "A bitter truth or a sugar coated lie?".

Tang Xi frowns by the question 'Is he ...is he planning to tell me the truth?!'.

She smiles nervously "I would go for truth!".

'Even if it's heart piercing ! I can't handle lies....Even though I can't handle the truth sometimes...'

Lu Cheng sighs "A stranger saying truth or your helpless husband who has no guts to say the truth?".

'Would you forgive me after hearing them? Would you stand be me?'

Tang Xi opens her mouth but closes without saying anything for few seconds. She doesn't know what to say or how he will react..If she says something and he gets even more afraid to say the truth?.

Lu Cheng didn't urge her and waits for her answer peacefully as it's important for him to know..

'Would she still stand by my side?'.

Lu Cheng felt his heart beating so fast as if he was waiting for a reply for a marriage proposal...

Tang Xi says "I never break my promise!".

Lu Cheng frowns "What?!".

'How is it supposed to be the answer for my question?!'.

She says slowly "Wanna hear a story?".

Lu Cheng smiles "Anytime".

Tang Xi smiles "I promised my parents when I was too young ..that I would never leave Tang corps in loss. Not even by a mistake. I quit my studies even though I knew...I knew that I would be broken to stay here without my parents. After quiting my studies abruptly, I took over Tang Corps and everyday was hell to spend the night in Tang Villa... It felt heartbreaking. But I was making sure to leave that in good hands..I literally was living in hell just because-".

Lu Cheng completes in a serious tone "You promised? ".