He will relieve me from evey pain!

Tang Xi states seriously "But we have discussed about this already".

He shakes his head helplessly "I can't take this risk for whatever friend of yours! Tang Xi! This is not a joke!".

She looks at him sternly "I want to attend her marriage and that's my decision! You can lock me here if you-".

He hisses "Fine! We will leave in an hour!". He turns away towards the window and stands crossing his arms.

'She is just insanely stubborn! She wants every single thing to happen whatever she says! I really spoiled her in this few months! She never listens to me and have lost her logical mind! Always ends up a conversation stating that I should be strong and move on! I can't even let that idea into my head...It just goes over my head and I don't want to talk about it!'.

He lets out a frustrated sigh 'I even quitted smoking. Allowed her to work for hours tiringly to stabilize Tang Corps again! And I am living under the same roof with HIM!! I can't believe this!'.

Tang Xi hugs Lu Cheng from behind and leans in his back. She says "I know you are upset. But she is my only friend Cheng. Try to understand -".

Lu Cheng lets his anger down and warns turning "This is the last time. I am going to lock you in this room once we return!".

She laughs happily "Don't worry I would lock myself and hand the keys to you!".

He cups her face and looks at her face had a visible glow of pregnancy and she had gained some weight too. Her stomach which is way bigger now.

'I wonder how is she still walking..'.

Sometimes he could see how much it's frustrating for her. She never told that out but he could feel her. She is so scared about the day when she would be seeing our kids. But she is more excited than the fear. He too just can't wait to see his kids in his hands. He wants her normal wifey back too..He MISSES her immensely!.


In India.

Chennai International Airport.

Lu Cheng drags their suitcase and walking slowly holding Tang Xi's shoulder.

He sees at the car which was waiting for them and asks her "Are we going to the venue?".

She shakes her head "We will stay in a hotel and will surprise her tomorrow. She would be busy with the pre-marriage rituals anyway. And I could not handle the crowd".

He nods yet sounded upset "At least you decided to rest! Fair enough!". He is feeling so insecured about this idea from the start and constantly feeling nervous. He couldn't point out but he could FEEL it!.

She leans her head on him "Thank you".

He looks away yet smiles "Stubborn Wifey!".

She giggles "Generous hubby!".

He opens the car door for her and gets in after she sat.

She looks at the city shone brightly even in this dark night. She is smiling and for some strange reason she felt this place as her home...She learnt to live in this city.

"This city has given me everything. ..".

He hears her and holds her hand softly "Come here".

She nestles in his embrace and bites her lip to avoid her tears. 'Baby...I miss you...'.

Lu Cheng pecks on top of her head and whispers caressing her stomach "You have us now Wifey ".

She nods in his embrace and holds his hand slowly squeezing it.

Within an hour, they were staying in a hotel and Tang Xi has fallen asleep due to the exhaustion.

Lu Cheng too laying beside her and closes his eyes. He has a busy day tomorrow. He has to get back to the country and wanted to meet Feng.

'He has been trying to talk to me but I didn't get a chance. Actually I avoided him desperately. I can't face him if he asks about Han Clan's bankruptcy, Han Ron's imprisonment and I really didn't want to talk anything about Rouxi!'.

'He would start lecturing me for hours and would end up supporting Rouxi..again...Thankfully she didn't bother me anymore from that day. She didn't even tried to contact me for help when her father was imprisoned. She is avoiding me for our own good'.

He drifted into a deep sleep without realizing the temperature of the room was set low.


Early morning.

Tang Xi frowns in her sleep and sees some blurred views in her dream. She is looking at a beautiful view ahead of her from a skyscraper or some tall building and gasps feeling someone pushed her off the building from behind.

'Dejavu...This seems familiar. ..'

Fortunately, she held a metal rim before she falls and screams for help. But hers glossy eyes froze seeing Lu Cheng standing in front of her. But his back facing her side.

She couldn't speak as she felt something wrong with her. She looks down in horror. Everyone knows she was afraid of heights but this time she looks at her bleeding stomach in horror.

She screams suddenly realizing something was definitely wrong "M-My...k-kids!!".

She could not understand why couldn't she call Lu Cheng. If she makes a small whisper, he would turn to her side and just carry her like a feather. But she couldn't move an inch of her mouth!.

Her eyes opened immediately from the horrible dream and gasps struggling to breath. Her eyes were still filled with tears.

A sudden rush of pain hit her and made her voiceless for a minute. She felt her whole body drenched with sweats and the wetness between her legs made her panicked mind even worse.

'My kids!'.

She opens her mouth but couldn't make a single noise as she hadn't felt this strong pain in her whole life. Not even while getting her ribs broken by Mu Hao!.

She swallows her dry throat and moves her hand to find Lu Cheng. When she found his strong hand just beside her body and bawled inwardly as she felt so vulnerable! She was so grateful that he never left her side! Yet her only thought was

'Just wake him up, Everything would get fine! Just let him know! He will relieve me from evey pain!'.