I am married already!

Lu Cheng blinks his eyes dumbly 'That was it?!'.

He couldn't believe that everything ended well. His kids were safe and Tang Xi too! God knows how hard he has been controlling his emotions.

He was turning into a mad man whenever Tang Xi would talk about raising kids...alone!. She would always rant about how he should control his anger!

He can clearly get her thought of 'training' him to raise their kids ..alone. She was making sure to make him 'live' after ....

'Forget it! She is with me! Hell! She had no idea how she was driving me nuts! I was almost changing my decision in the last minute to save her! I can't live without her! I could have lived bearing her hatred instead living withoit her! It hurts more than losing my own life!'.

He holds his clutched fist over his mouth emotionally. He just couldn't handle the overwhelming happiness at this moment!.

He had been declining every projects over these months just to be there with Tang Xi! Little did she know...He was scared to hell by just a mere thought...of not seeing her in future..in his future life..where he, his kids would be there but Tang Xi.

'What if she got in labor..when he was not with her? What if ..he couldn't be with her...while she leaves him....F***! For the first time life has shown some mercy on me!'.

His shoulder shook as he tried to handle his roller coaster emotions!

His kids are safe! His wife is safe! He got his life back! With her! With love of his life!.

It was just too much to handle in that moment. Those three big news were like biggest things in his life! He forgot about everything! All of a sudden he went blank to think... What he has to do now?.

Before he could think a nurse calls him "Sir?".

Lu Cheng was looking at the same nurse who got his sign in that damn papers before.

She smiles "Congratulations Sir!" and points at the door awkwardly "And I am sorry.. We need you to...go out. So that we could help your wife?".

For some reason, he felt so happy to face her. She unknowingly eased his pressure before. She mentioned before that he would be asked again for his decision whether to save his kids or Tang Xi. Only a small part of his heart was allowing him to sign them.

He could feel his head throbbing because of his mental exhaustion yet asks before getting out of the room worriedly "When can I see her? I mean..when she would get her conscious back?". He didn't notice his voice was weak and hoarse.

The nurse smiles "The doctor kept her in observation. I can say she needs to talk to you real soon" and adds looking back at Tang Xi "Your wife is..really brave ..you know".

Lu Cheng couldn't help looking adorably at his wife and frowns at the nurse "But-".

The nurse says "I am really sorry if I am getting over board but she actually asked to save her kids in that state. I have seen many women having panic attacks..you should have known..that her pressure levels were really abnormal..I really thought she would just give up and faint. If she had lost her conscious, we could have lost our hope on them. But she made sure to be awake. She might be weak physically but she is too strong mentally. I couldn't believe she had gone through her first pregnancy to this point at least. Anyway Congratulations again!".

Without waiting for him, the nurse closes the door.

'To this point at least.....'.

He was so happy unfortunately he failed to process her final words.

Its already 7.30 in the morning.

Lu Cheng closes his eyes massaging his aching forehead and felt someone tapping his shoulder.

He takes in a breath and opens his eyes only to freeze in shock "Ananya?!".

He looks her from head to toe as she was wearing her wedding saree with tones of jewelleries.

'What the hell is she doing on her wedding day?! Did she run away from her marraige? For what? To see Tang Xi?! No way..she must be the craziest if my guess is right!!'.

Ananya asks with genuine worry "Is she fine?! How is she doing?! I hope she didn't got any problem!".

Lu Cheng gets out from his shock and asks concerned "She is fine but why are you here?!".

She pouts frustrated "I was worried of course! Tell me Lu Cheng! Is she doing good?!".

He nods hurriedly as if he was facing some spoiled drunken teenager who just doing some stupid sh** in drunken state "She is fine! And safe! Even the kids are safe. They would call me anytime soon to see them-".

Ananya exclaims "What?! Already?! I rushed here right after hearing the news! When did this happened?! I swear I heard him saying she was just admitted before few hours!".

He frowns "Him? Whatever..Why are you here? You could have called me or came after -".

She by habit hits his shoulder "How can I?! I know her condition! I have read her reports and how can I not be here with her even after knowing everything?!".

Lu Cheng looks at her with a small smile and couldn't help envying not having a crazy little sister like her "You are impossible!" Than my wife!. That guy is so lucky..to have a great sister...

Ananya walks in front of the door and tries to peek into the room but stomps disappointed. She asks impatiently "When can we meet her?".

He sighs and tries to coax her "Soon..but don't you think you have to go back? Its your *cough* wedding after all..".

She rolls her eyes "I am married already Lu Cheng!". and sits in a chair grabbing her lengthy saree.

Only then Lu Cheng noticed the yellow rope in her neck clearly proving her words right.

He chuckles "Really? Congratulations then!".

She slumps down her shoulders tired "Oh please! I am exhausted by completing all the rituals already!".

He couldn't help raise his eyebrows "Rituals?".

She whines "I never thought that would last for months! Forget it! I enjoy them anyway but they are too exhauting-".


Her mobile rings interrupting them and she grins seeing the caller ID.

She stands happily "Dinesh! She is fine!-".