The replay began and Hai Jingyi found himself in the middle of the opening scene to the game, The fall of the Hóng fènghuáng sect.
Hua Fang was standing at the once pearlescent gates now stained with blood and smoke, his eyes glowing red as he faced down his former master.
The cinematics were awesome and looked even better up close, damn they really did a good job on this part.
Old master Na Nuan stood a the forefront leading his disciples in the standoff, he looked tired and worn out of course he did! They weren't the strongest sect in terms of military strength but they could hold their own.
"You dare attack your own home, boy!" drawing his sword its bright light shone even through the dark demon blood
"This was never my home," he said lighting up a flame in his hand his eyes glowing red as he charged forward the horde of demons behind him following close their hulking forms making the very earth tremble the disciple met them head on fighting with all they had.
Watching this Hai Jingyi felt a little guilty for scripting it like that, these guys gave their all and their fight was commendable but they never stood a chance,
Deciding to leave the epic battle to find the former Hai Jingyi he floated over the carnage realizing that he felt a sense of occhiolism, from his former world they had scripted a bloody battle because it was awesome but having seen the battle now he felt kinda guilty.
Is this what gods usually feel when they watch their world fall to ruin? because it sucked, it sucked a lot
he felt like a terrible person the feeling of I could have stopped this the guilt of not doing so it felt like the universe was calling him a dick and it was right, he was a dick of a god.
Spotting his look-alike racing into Na Nuans library following close floated through the walls watching as the former Hai Jingyi tore through the scrolls and books throwing them all into a heap on the floor...
Ah, he remembered this the scene they cut out where the dedicated prodigy went against everything he believed in and destroyed his master's knowledge.
Anything to keep Hua fang from the knowledge he so desperately wanted.
Grabbing a lamp he poured the oil over the books and set them on fire.
His face was tinged with regret his eyes filled with despair...this whole scene felt a bit excessive.
It wasn't that he wasn't moved rather that he knew he would never cry over a couple of books sure the knowledge was lost forever but you could always get more of it right?
Knowledge is the one human resource that even if lost one can always find alternatives.
So it was weird to watch his duplicate do exactly that.
"Am I such a crybaby? My tears come as easily as the Yangtze floods..."
Bent over in anguish as he listened to the advancing demon army, any second now they would break through the defence and cut him down but he had already completed his mission so death was not something to be feared with an unsteady stance he faced the doors accepting his fate with grace...
really this scene was truly pitiful...the true Hai Jingyi would have already leapt through the window by now and with zero hesitation fled to another continent watching this guy made him feel like a terribly dishonourable man, would he one day lay everything on the line for something?
Ha! not in a million years!
He was no protagonist, let the hardships like those of Huashan peak be left to Tai Qiang and company, he had a retirement plan to see through he did not need the drama.
The demons roared, they were just outside the door now in but a few moments Hai Jingyi would know how the original escaped and maybe even how he got here.
He heard as they rushed at the door slamming into it with all their might, within a second the hard oak doors began to splinter and crackle, both men startled in fright.
The former Hai Jingyi glared forward grabbing a spear from the displays he would fight the beasts until his last breath.
Hai Jingyi stood solemn, this scene was a bit much from his position he could do nothing but feel guilt from causing this whole thing but he didn't dare look away, he would honour the man before him by watching through to the very end but just as his resolve was set the image before him began turning static, the figures around him blurring as a heavy shadow engulfed his vision
Was this part of the scene?
He never wrote anything like this...
He gasped, his vision begun fading just as the door broke down and the vicious horde of demons burst through.
He could see the drool on their snouts, the blood caking their claws, the more human ones had a mad look in their eye as they neared them, the original struggled with the scene trying to keep it in view while the other twirled the spear in his hands adopting a more stable stance just as the first demon attacked and his vision turned black...
what was that? why such a cliff hanger?!
he ran the code again
the bits of code suddenly filled the dark void as blue lights burst from the ground surrounding him
Hai Jingyi was startled,
He ran the code again
Locating C@u$e
That was unnecessary.
Hai Jingyi already had a pretty clear idea as to what was the cause of the error, he just didn't think it was possible.
The blue beams of light began flickering as the bits of light shifted from a calm blue to a vicious red as the whole void was suddenly filled with dark laughter.
Ringing and ringing as a shadow swept through the red light, it stood behind him warm breath suddenly on his neck as cold words were whispered near his ear
"Hello, Master,"
It hissed,
"Let's play a game, Great Creator."
Unknown element in world...
Virus detected!!...>