Chapter 4

Saint Martin Hospital is a four storey building. Its quite small compared to the other hospitals but the the technology is up to date. The ER, pharmacy, accounting department, laboratory, x-ray department, doctor's clinic, canteen are on the first floor. The suites, private rooms, wards, and nurse stations are on the 2nd and 3rd floors. And on the 4th floor are the director's office, nurse's quarters, and the doctor's quarters. The hospital also has a big parking lot and a lobby where patients can wait for their turn in their check-ups.

John is still holding Alexa's hands when they enter the elevator. They are the only persons in the elevator so Alexa was able to let go of her hand. John is looking at her seriously. And Alexa felt her face is red and there are butterflies in her stomach.

"What are you looking at?" Alexa said angrily. John started to get closer to her and she has no other choice but to move backward but the elevator is too small for her not to touch the sides of it. When she reach the other side of the elevator, John stop and look at her intently.

"How are you? Did you miss me? Have you been kiss before just like what I did five years ago?" John said slowly getting closer to her again.

Alexa can't move, her body stiffed like a rock. But before John could touch her lips with his lips, the door opens and she finally pushes John and get out of the door without realizing that she be hitting her doctor friend.

"Ouch!" Alexa said while on the floor.

"Alexa?" The familiar voice said. Alexa look up and she see Doctor Mike Faustino smiling at her.

"Mike!" Alexa said while smiling ear to ear. And without hesitation hugs her doctor friend in an instant. She did not saw the daggers in John's eyes.

"When did you come back? How was your trip? Where's my chocolates?" Alexa asking Mike without stopping. She forgot that there is someone looking at them angrily.

"Slowly, okay? First I came back yesterday with my cousin. Second, the trip was fun but it will be more if you are with me. And third, your chocolates are in my quarter so you can get it later after the introduction of my cousin." Mike said answering Alexa's questions.

"Ehem, ehem, I thought you forgot me bro." John said looking at Mike seriously.

Mike knew that his cousin is in love with this little girl in front of him and he has the ability to annoy his cousin to his maximum limit.

"Oh, hi bro!" Mike said putting his hands in Alexa's shoulder making John's face more annoyed.

"Let's go little girl and introduce this cousin of mine to the guys." Mike said while waiving a peace sign to his cousin who will eventually release a fire from his nose anytime now.

"You two are cousins?" Alexa ask Mike while walking towards the nurse station. Mike nodded.

"But how come I did not know it? We've been friends since I enter your hospital but you never told me that John is your cousin?" Mike just smile at her and the questions remain questions in her mind.

"Good afternoon guys!" Mike said to the nurses present in the station and introduces each one of them to John. Of course, the girls are swooning over the handsome doctors in front of them. The next is the station on the third floor followed by the departments on the first floor. The girls are envious towards Alexa because of the two handsome doctors with her.

At first, they thought that Doctor Mike Faustino and Alexa are in a relation but the two of them cleared it and said that they were just closed friends.

John, all through out the introduction to the staffs and now in the doctors' introduction had a serious face. He just smile when introduce and then go back to his serious face again. Alexa wanted to ask if he is not feeling well but don't have the courage to because of what happened in the elevator.

Mike is smiling because he will be damn dead later when he will be talking to John.

And the meeting was adjourned.

Exactly five in the afternoon and it's the end of Alexa's shift. She is getting out of the director's office when Mike call her.

"Alexa, let's get your chocolates at my quarter." Mike said but before he can reach Alexa's hand, John held it and pulled Alexa towards the door and get outside.

Alexa's hand became numb because John's grip was too tight and she can feel that he is angry.

In college years, no one dares to touch or talk to this guy when he is angry because he was like an active volcano that anytime will burst its lava and molten rocks. She just let him pull her and their destination was his quarter.