Chapter 17

Alexa is starting to regain her consciousness, suddenly, someone is caressing her face but she felt anxious with the touch. "Dr. Matthew!" She was shocked and finally realized what had happened. "It was you?" Alexa trembled as she looked on the man infront of her. She wants to push the man and run away from him but her hands and feet were tied. "Yes, sweetheart. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. Later I will untie you." Matthew said that make Alexa shivered with fear.

"Sir,we've located the car. It was parked in a hotel downtown." One of the officer reported to the men waiting patiently. "Ok, men, let's go!" Alexa's godfather ordered. John and Mike were together in the car. Mike insisted that he should drive because he can preview that if John handles the wheel, it will exceed the car's maximum speed.

Matthew left the room to buy food for them but he locked the door so that no one can enter. While Matthew was away, Alexa is thinking on how she will get away from the incoming danger. "John, please save me." Alexa murmured and tears fell from her eyes.

As the door opens, Alexa taught of a plan.

Matthew is busy preparing their meal. Alexa looked around. It was just a small room. She could possibly get out easily if the right timing comes. "Let's eat!" Matthew said smiling at her. "How can I eat with this ropes in my hands?" Alexa said, she pouted her lips sexily. " I will be the one feeding you sweetheart." Matthew saw what Alexa have done and it made him excited. "That's unfair, I want to feed you also." Alexa said with tenderly looking at Matthew. "Promise, I will behave, please." Alexa continued still looking sexy in Matthew's eyes. Matthew became more lustrous while untying the rope. Alexa felt the pain in her wrist and she could see the red mark caused by the tight bond. While eating, Matthew is really up high in the clouds because he never dream that Alexa will fed him and later will become his. Alexa on the other hand, wanted to run as far as she can, away from this man that at first she taught as a kind, angel looking doctor but in real was a devil in disguise. She felt goosebumps all over her body every time her skin will come in contact with him.

The time has come and Alexa could feel that Matthew is ready to attack his prey. She didn't protest when Matthew carried her to the bed even if she really wanted to push him hard. "Sweetheart, from the first time I saw you, I said to myself that one day you will become mine." Matthew said sending goosebumps to Alexa. He starts caressing her hair, down to her eyes, ears and finally to her lips. Alexa could feel Matthew's manliness becomes hard poking her side. It added to the fear Alexa is feeling right now. Before Matthew reach her lips, "Wait, how can I give you pleasure if my feet are still tied?" Alexa said pushing him lightly that made Matthew hotter because of her touch. Matthew hurriedly untied the rope. Again, Alexa felt the pain. Matthew came back immediately to her side. "Sweetheart, I will make you happy, after these, you will definitely forget that jerk and you finally come to me." Matthew said while unbuckling his pants and removing his shirt. Alexa still lying, patiently waiting for the right timing. When Matthew is already on top of her, she focused all her strengths and in one blow, she kicked Matthew sending the man on the floor. She hurriedly ran to the door but Matthew reach her dress and pulled it that made her fell. Her dress was ripped showing half of her breast that made Matthew more vicious. He slapped Alexa hard that made her lips bled. Alexa felt pain but still continue to fight for her self. Matthew, due to his anger, punched the stomach of Alexa that made her cry because of pain. She can't do nothing because her body felt numb. "John, I'm sorry, I love you." Alexa said tears falling from her eyes. Matthew carried Alexa back to the bed. He looked at her, lust in his eyes, licking his lips. "You'll be mine!" But before he can reach Alexa, someone kicked the door. John seeing Alexa's appearance, anger flashed his eyes. In an instant, he grabbed Matthew and gave him a hard punched on the face. Not satisfied, he gave another and another until Matthew cannot move his body. John only stopped when Mike grabbed his hand. "That's enough bro, the official will take him, go to Alexa." Mike said. John came back to his senses and walked towards Alexa.

Alexa, due to fear and body aches loss her consciousness. John hugged her tightly and planted kisses in her forehead. He wrapped her with a blanket and carried her away from the place.